What do you need to do the dishes?
Water, soap, sponge.
What do you say if someone tells you: "Thank you"
You're Welcome
What are important things to spend your money on?
Food, clothing, bills, rent
When do you need to wash your hands?
Before cooking, after using the bathroom,
What I'm first said,
I'm quite mysterious.
But when I’m explained,
I’m nothing serious.
What am I?
A Riddle
Name a protein.
Peanut butter, eggs, almonds, meats, etc.
What do you say if you want something?
Where is a safe place to keep your money?
Bank, safe, fire box
Is it okay to go a few days without showering or wearing deodorant?
Which seven-letter word contains dozens of letters?
A mailbox
What are things you use to clean?
Vacuum, mop, windex, toilet cleaner, scrub brush,
What is the proper way to answer the phone?
Say Hello
You can be wrongly charged.
What should you do if you need to sneeze or cough?
Use your mid arm or grab a tissue
It is flat as a leaf, round as a ring. Has two eyes, yet cannot see a thing.
A button.
What do you do when you're done cooking on the stove?
Turn off the stove, put food away, clean dishes/counters, put away dishes
How do you introduce yourself?
Say--Hi my name is …. shake hands, look the person in the eye
What does it mean to have a budget?
Setting a limit on how much money to spend.
How often should you do laundry?
Once a week... depends on how much clothes you use.
It is very easy to lift, but very hard to throw. What is it?
A feather.
What are the steps to dong laundry?
Sort by color--place in washer--add soap--turn on the washer--put into the dryer--turn on--fold clean clothes
Respectful/Disrespectful-- the teacher is lecturing the class about a particular topic. A student begins to whisper to a nearby classmate.
What is the term to borrow money to pay for a home?
How often should you shower?
If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you don't have me. What am I?
A secret.