Physical Dysfunctions
Mental Health

This is a condition where the radial nerve (specifically the deep branch referred to as the posterior interosseous nerve) becomes compressed at the area of the proximal forearm known as the radial tunnel. This condition causes chronic pain/dull ache at the top of the forearm.

What is Radial Tunnel Syndrome


- avoid bending past 90 degrees

- no internal/external rotation

- avoid crossing the legs

- side lying only with abductor wedge/pillow between legs

-weight bearing restrictions

What are total hip replacement precautions? 


This FOR used in mental health intervention focuses on thought processes in relation to emotion and behavior. 

What is the Cognitive-Behavioral FOR?


This is an early childhood motor development assessment that provides an in-depth assessment and  of gross and fine motor skills. It is comprised of  six subtests that measure interrelated motor abilities that develop early in a child's life. 

What is the PDMS-2?


Hemostasis, Inflammatory, Proliferative, and Maturation.

What are the four stages of wound healing?


-Decreased balance and fall risk

-Lack of sensation and danger of pressure


What are spinal cord injury precautions?


This disorder is characterized by  a feeling of worry and anxiety over a period of six months and consequently impacting the individual social life.

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder? (GAD)


A sensory integration issue typically experienced by children where which causes a child to react to movements in an extreme manner. (ex. reacting negatively to swings, jumping, being picked up, sitting on a chair that does not allow for their feet to touch the ground.

What is gravitational insecurity?


This condition affects the fascia in the hand and causes tightening in these tissues that over time create thick cords that may pull the fingers down into a flexed contracted position. Symptoms include tissue thickening in the palm in addition to the inability to extend the fingers and decreased grasp.

What is Dupuytren’s Contracture?


-No using arms to push up out of bed or chair 

-No lifting arms over head

-No pulling on railings or allowing other to pull on arms 

-Brace chest when coughing or sneezing

-No lifting objects greater than 5 to 10 pounds or as instructed by doctor

-Use heart pillow

What are CABG precautions


A 19 year old female is reffered to occupational therapy to find healthy ways of coping with a mental health disorder that affects her diet and body image. She has recurrent episodes of binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behaviors she uses to prevent weight gain such as self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, diuretics, fasting, and excessive exercise. What mental health disorder does she have?

What is Bulimia Nervosa?


An occupational therapist is assessing a 4-year-old child referred to therapy due to developmental delay. When assessing postural reflexes, the OT positions the child on a therapy ball in a seated position and quickly tips the ball to the right and the child does not extend arm in the direction of the tilt to catch herself. What postural reaction is absent?

What is a protective reaction?


A condition where the tendons on the side of the wrist in the first dorsal compartment become inflamed. This can be caused by degeneration or overuse of these tendons or a thickening/narrowing of the first dorsal compartment tunnel making it difficult for the tendons to glide properly causing radial-sided wrist pain with actions such as wide grasping or extending the thumb. Conservative treatments that may be helpful are moist heat, soft tissue mobilization, gentle transverse friction massage, ultrasound over 1st dorsal compartment, exercises that focus on thumb ext/flex, abd/add and opposition as well as tendon gliding exercises.

What is DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis?


- monitor Intercranial Pressure (ICP)

- seizures

- coma and lack of awareness

- look for decrease oxygen & BP changes

-fall risk

- concussion syndrome

What are TBI precautions?


You are conducting a group activities and teaching clients coping mechanisms such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, journaling, and mental imagery. What is the focus of this mental health group?

Stress management 


An Occupational therapist is conducting an initial evaluation of a 6-year-old girl who has just started first grade. The child’s teacher complains that she displays disruptive behavior in the classroom such as unnecessary touching of objects and people. She has difficulty sitting still and drums on her desk constantly. Recently she has begun engaging in rough play during recess. During the evaluation, the girl’s mother confirms this behavior occurs at home as well. What assessment should the OT include during this evaluation?

What is Sensory Profile 2?