...and Miscellany
What are the three main genre of books in the Hebrew Scriptures (OT) according to the Jewish canon?
What are Torah, Prophets (Nevi'im), and Writings (Ketuvim).
This OT book is a collection of songs.
What is Psalms?
These type of Psalms are also known an "Curse Psalms".
What are "Imprecatory Psalms"?
Though the entire OT book of songs is called "Psalms" (with an -s), this is how you refer to individual chapters. (hint: it's not "Psalms 22")
What is "Psalm" (no -s).
A character in this book compliments his lover by, among other things, saying "Your teeth are like a flock of sheep (ewes)."
What is the Song of Solomon/Song of Songs?
Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs are called "Wisdom Literature" in the Christian Canon. How are these books categorized in the Jewish Canon?
What is Writings?
This OT book is a collection of wise sayings.
What is Proverbs?
This type of Psalm says "I'm sorry," and asks God for forgiveness and grace.
What are "Penitential Psalms"?
In the Book of Job, Job's "friends" are offering the best help to Job when they are doing this.
What is staying silent and mourning with Job.
This theological concept refers to the tension between God's goodness, God's omnipotence, and the existence of evil. It is also expressed as "Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?"
What is theodicy?
This type of Wisdom Literature consists of short, pithy sayings on how to succeed in life, in general.
What is Didactic Wisdom/ Proverbial Maxims?
This narrative features a collection of speeches, all focused on the issue of theodicy.
What is Job?
This type of parallelism develops the same idea in line 2 as was introduced in line 1.
What is synthetic parallelism?
This tends to be the main focus of Ancient Egyptian instructional wisdom.
What is successful living?
This is a definition of "Qohelet".
What is teacher or assembly speaker?
This type of Wisdom Literature consists of lengthy stories that focus on life's most difficult problems.
What is Discoursive Wisdom/Dialogues/Monologues?
This OT book is a collection of discussions between lovers.
What is Song of Songs/Song of Solomon?
"O Lord, forgive me; Blot out my sin, O God of my salvation," is an example of what form of Hebrew poetry?
What is Chiasm?
This type of Psalm: complains about present conditions, (usually) turns to affirm its trust in God, then (usually) concludes with praise of God.
What is a Lament Psalm?
Because Proverbs 31 might serve as a capstone to the Book of Proverbs, and because "Wisdom" is traditionally personified as a woman, the "Ode to a Virtuous Woman" in 31:10-31 might apply equally to whom?
What is women and men, (& rich and poor)?
These are the four genre of the OT according to the Protestant canon.
What are Pentateuch, Historical Books, Wisdom/Poetry, and Prophets?
This OT book is a collection of life's pleasures, and concludes that it's all meaningless except for fearing God and keeping the commandments (Torah).
What is Ecclesiastes?
"A B B1 A1," or "A B C D C1 B1 A1."
What is Chiasm?
These are the three main ways that Ugaritic literature helps illumine the Hebrew poetry in the OT.
What are: (1) It provides context for rare Hebrew words, (2) it uses parallelism to structure its poetry, and (3) it describes a polytheistic worldview.
The poetry from which Ancient Near Eastern society provides a helpful point of comparison to Hebrew poetry in the OT?
What is Ugarit (Ras Shamra)?