What was created on Day 1
Five Scrolls
What is the first plague on Egypt?
Water to Blood
What books are contained in the Pentateuch?
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
What is the first commandment?
Have no gods before Me.
What was created on Day 2?
Water & Sky
Who does all the Old Testament point to?
The Messiah, Jesus.
What is the fifth plague?
Egyptian Livestock Die
Why were the Israelites commanded to celebrate the Passover feast?
To commemorate God's deliverence of His people from slavery in Egypt.
What is the 10th Commandment?
Do not covet
What was created on Day 6?
Animals & People
What judgement did God display due to the Tower of babel?
Confusion of Languages
What are plagues 2, 3, and 4.
Frog, Gnats, Flies
What 3 phrases did God use to describe what the Israelites would become if they kept the covenant?
God's treasured possession, A Kingdom of Priests, an Holy Nation
What is the 5th Commandment?
Honor parents
What was created on Day 7?
God rested.
How long did the Israelites travel after crossing the Red Sea before they started complaining?
3 Days
What are the 6, 7, and 8 Plagues?
Boils, Hail, Locusts
What New Testament passage refers to the snake that Moses lifted up on a pole? (explain)
John 3:14-15.......
What commandments focus on relationship with people.
What was created on Day 3?
Land & Vegetation
What college did Mr. Gulley go to (undergrad)?
Thee Ohio Dominican University
What are the 9 and 10 plagues?
Darkness, Death of the Frist born.
What blessings does God promise to Abram in Genesis
Great Nation, Blessed, Great Name, Be a Blessing, Bless those who bless you, Curse those who curse you, All people will be blessed through you.
What commandments focus on relationship with God?