Gross Motor action
Fine motor action
Zones of regulation
perspective taking

Complete 10 star jumps

Well Done! Arms and legs out straight like a star


Roll out your play dough and pinch some mountains into it. 

Wow bumpy, Great job. 


I am feeling anxious, what colour zone is my body in?

Yellow. Can you name other emotions within the yellow zone. 


Game where you break out, rob banks, and get arrested



Someone in your class asks to play with you at lunch time and you say 'no I don't want to play with you' how might they feel?

They might feel sad. 


20 toe touches- alternating from left to right, crossing the midline. 

Great Job


Complete the 'pancake' with theraputty. 

Well done. Keep it going. 


If my body is feeling wiggly/silly, and I select the swing as a tool to bring me to the green zone  and my body is still wiggly and silly, is this a good choice of a calm down tool?

No. A good choice of a calm down tool is one which brings our body back to 'ready to learn'. finding other options, like animal walks, having a break drinking some water, deep breathing may help.


Name the game 

You get Followers and its a simulator game

Fame simulator


Your riding a bike with a friend and accidentally run into them and they fall. They start crying and yelling at you for hitting them. What are they thinking?

They may have thought that you ran into them on purpose.. What can you say to them?


Hold a plank position for 15 seconds

Keep it going!


roll four small balls in your fingertips. 

great work!


If you were told to hop off your iPad but you were in the middle of a game how would you feel?

Within the red or yellow zone. What could you do to help this situation?


Game style where you fight zombies

Zombie attack


Mum is busy trying to complete work at home and you are trying to get her attention, you keep yelling at her until she answers you. How might she feel?

She might feel angry or frustrated that you were yelling at her. What else could you do in this situation?


Wall push ups 10 times. 

I hope you didn't bump your nose. Great work. 

Make a playdough animal of your choice. 

Nice work. 


Which colour zone is your body in when it is feeling out of control 

The red zone. can you name some other emotions in the red zone?


What is the most expensive Animation Pack?

Levitation Animation Pack

Your teacher asks you to complete your work, you are say 'no' and throw your pencil on the ground. What might your friends think?

This is an unexpected behaviour, he needs to complete his work. He might need some time to calm down. 


Donkey kicks, 10 each side. 

Which muscle groups can you feel working really hard? Thats hard work, well done. 


Create an animal nest with five round eggs out of play dough. 

Great job. 


Name three calm down strategies to return your body to the green zone. 

Take a break, Deep breathing, glass of water, swing, talk to an adult, find something fun to do - iPad. 


What is the most popular game on ROBLOX?



Describe two other situations where other people may feel angry.

Let's discuss.