The Centennial Vision states: "we envision that OT is a powerful, widely-recognized, science-driven and evidence-based profession with globally connected and diverse workforce meeting society's occupational needs"
Of this, 6 new areas of practice are being heavily focused upon. Name them and define them
Aging in Place--elderly staying in own homes or facilities with accommodations (apartment to skilled nursing facilities)
Driver Assessment and Training--driver rehab specialists, special modifications
Community Health and Wellness--prevention of disability, education, quality of life, access to services
Needs of Children and Youth--obesity, early intervention, school, creative solutions, nutrition
Ergonomics Counseling--adjusting to work and environment; science of fitting jobs to people
Technology and Assistive Device Development and Consultation--help people with special needs
Playing alongside another child without actually interacting together is called?
Parallel play
known as archer pose, this reflex extends the arm in the direction the head is facing and the opposite arm and leg bend
and the reflex when the side of the baby's cheek is touched and he/she automatically turns to that side
tonic neck reflex (asymmetrical and symmetrical)
rooting reflex
dramatic physical growth occurs when in the growing stages of an infant?
first 6 months
In early and middle adolescence is emotionally healthy.
Openly explore alternative, strive for autonomy, try out different interest, and pursue a sense of individuality. (Partially stalling while trying out many different options)
Identity moratorium
Cultural competence is the ability to be sensitive about other cultures. It is important to educate ourselves about culture and global perspective
The Suarez-Balcazar model of cultural sensitivity includes what? List 3 main things
List the 5 Educational Initiatives
Cognitive, Behavioral, Organizational
Establishing Adequate Communication, Recognizing and Celebrating Cultural Practices, Establishing Reciprocal Learning Communities, Addressing Needs of Community
What are the 5 domains of development?
physiological, motor, cognitive, language, psychosocial
pressing down on an infant's tongue between birth and roughly 2-5 months of age causes what reaction?
pressing down into an infants palm infant grabs an object is what reflex?
the suck/swallow primitive reflex
palmar reflex
Developmental tasks of adolescence:
puberty, social participation, career paths, identity
Common in early adolescence, is the least defined sense of personal identity. In this identity state, an adolescent avoids or ignores the task of exploring his or her identity and has little interest in exploring options
Identity diffusion
Relating to Vision 2020, educational trends are showing that what practice is incredibly effective?
Also, primary care is huge on improving individual experience of care, improving the health of occupations and what?
Evidence-based practice
reducing costs of care (Affordable Care Act of 2020 and Prospective Payment System 1983)
Performance skills in the OTFP include motor skills (gross and fine), sensory-perceptual skills, cognitive skills, emotional regulation skills, and what?
communication and interaction skills (language and psychosocial)
suspending an infant in space prone, does what that helps the midline develop?
landau reflex
Developmental tasks of infancy include sleep and wake cycle, sensory regulation, social, cognitive, gross and fine motor, and what?
growth and development
Name the 5 stages of Piaget's development
Sensorimotor stage (birth-2 years): recognizes self as agent of action and begins to act intentionally.
Preoperational stage (2-7 years): thinking is still egocentric.
Concrete operational (7-11 years): achieves conservation of number.
Formal operational (11 years+): can think logically about abstract propositions and test hypotheses.
Advocating and documenting, incorporating interventions that have strong evidence, and to improve health and quality of life through engagement and participation of occupation all are what of OT?
the distinct value
what is the difference between a primitive reflex and a postural reflex and give and example of both.
Primitive: patterns of movement observed in the first 6 months, if still present after can hinder development and have both a stimulus and response
Postural: develops with the infant's increasing ability to control his/her body, helps infant stay safe. Consist of righting reactions, equilibrium reactions, and protective extension response.
Examples: Primitive: Rooting reflex
Postural: Head righting reflex
when head flexes, legs extend. When head extends, legs flex.
symmetrical tonic neck response (STNR)
Normal development proceeds in what direction?
head to tail
Adolescents who choose to avoid experiencing an identity crisis by prematurely committing to an identity. These adolescents do not engage in the process of self-exploration and experimentation. Typically accept their parents’ values and beliefs.
identity foreclosure
Coning in at 6-9 months, this reaction stays present the whole life and often involves putting out an arm when falling
protective extension responses
Learning to sit up, then learning to stand, then learning to step, and finally learning to toddle and walk is an example of what type of development process?
Vertical (first this, then this in same occupational area)
head turns to one side, arm extends to that side, if head is rotated to other side, the currently extended arm bends and the other arm extends the new direction of the head
asymmetric tonic neck reflex (ATNR)
List 2 traits of a child in middle childhood relating to physiological development
Growth rate slows to an average of 2-3 inches per year with legs becoming longer and trunk slimmer
Girls typically grow taller than boys during this period
Facial features become more distinct with the replacement of baby teeth with permanent teeth
Digestive system matures
Eustachian tube no longer horizontal, so reduced risk of middle ear infections
brain growth 95% by age 10
eat less frequently but have increased appetite and eat in bigger quantities
Following identity moratorium is an exploration of possibilities and healthy resolution of the quest.
Characterized by a commitment to interest, values, gender, and sexual orientation, political view, career or job, and a moral stance. Enhances self-esteem
Identity achievement