jealousy, infidelity
the guy who wanted to marry desdemona, he's the one who's manipulated by iago to "put money in his purse"
who said "put money in thy purse"?
how is desdemona's purity and innocence portrayed?
by describing her as an angel, and 'fair' and 'heavenly'
what does the willow tree represent?
the willow tree is symbolic of sadness and mourning, because the song is about a woman lamenting the cruelty of her lover despite her loyalty (describes desdemona and her inner feelings)
desdemona's handkerchief
what does desdemona say when interrogated by her dad about othello and her relationship?
"I do perceive here a divided duty. To you I am bound for life and education.
...But here’s my husband,"
what does the imagery of the barbary horse represent?
the barbary horse represents brabantio's prejudice against othello, illustrates the hostility towards othello's ethnicity and interracial marriage.
what does either the white ewe or the black ram represent in "an old black ram in tupping your white ewe"?
black ram : othello (dominant, impure)
white ewe : desdemona (purity, innocence)
iago stabs her with the sword
what does othello say repeatedly when he accuses desdemona of being unfaithful?
"the handkerchief, the handkerchief, the handkerchief"
what animal imagery does iago use to suggest to roderigo to get over desdemona rather than wallowing in self pity?
"drown cats and blind puppies"
what does desdemona's red stained white handkerchief represent?
purity, fidelity, and innocence
the red represents othello's doubt and impurity that her character has been accused of
who does cassio describe as the most exquisite lady?
what quote does iago use to describe jealousy?
"beware my lord of jealousy, it is the green eyed monster that doth mocks the meat it feeds on"
describe the spider imagery that is used to describe iago
“With a little a web as this/ I will ensnare as great a fly as Cassio”
spiders are sly, poisonous and evil creatures that create webs to ensnare their prey (iago)
what is the symbolism of the candle before othello kills desdemona?
the candle represents 'the light' which othello puts out. the light is symbolic of the truth, and othello doesn't wanna acknowledge what he's doing.
during which war is the play set?
the war of cyprus (1570-1573) between the ottomans and the venetians
who gave othello the handkerchief?
his mother (from an egyptian witch)
what is emilia's first line in the play?
"you have little cause to say so"
what does the willow tree represent?
the willow tree is symbolic of sadness and mourning, because the song is about a woman lamenting the cruelty of her lover despite her loyalty (describes desdemona and her inner feelings)
what does the rose in act IV scene II represent?
othello foreshadowing her death when he says "when i have plucked thy rose, i cannot give it vital growth again. it must needs wither."
othello compares desdemona's life to that of a rose, fights for justice