Modern Physics
Physics Paradoxes
Classical Physics
Famous physicists
Anything but Physics

I am a method of computing that uses quantum mechanics to encode information, specifically through the use of "qubits". Algorithms created based on me have caused a revolution in cryptography.

Quantum Computing


I am a thought experiment where a cat is placed in a box and a vial of poison is triggered based on the decay of a hydrogen atom. The cat is somehow both dead and alive simultaneously.

Schrodinger's Cat


I am a physical law which states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Newton's Third Law


I proposed the equivalence between mass and energy, creating the theory of relativity. I won a nobel prize for my work on the Photoelectric effect.

Albert Einstein


How many elements are currently on the periodic table?



What is the order of magnitude of Planck's Constant?



I am a paradox where a person travels back in time to kill their own grandfather. However, then the person wouldn't exist, so their grandfather would still be alive, and so on...

Grandfather Paradox


What rule do you use to determine the direction of the force on moving particle through a magnetic field?

Right Hand Rule (or Left Hand Rule)


I discovered the law of buoyancy, famously shouting the word "Eureka!" I am also known for approximating the value of pi.



A young boy takes a train to the North Pole on Christmas Eve in what classic 1985 children's book by Chris Van Allsburg?

The Polar Express


I am a physical law which states that we cannot perfectly measure both the position and momentum of a particle simultaneously.

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

I am a thought experiment where one of a pair of identical twins is sent on a spaceship at the speed of light. When the spaceship returns, one of the twins is younger than the other.

Twin Paradox


What is the name of the constant R in the equation PV = nRT?

Ideal Gas Constant (or just gas constant)


I am an astronomer born in Poland who is credited with developing a heliocentric model of the solar system.

Nicolaus Copernicus


Which hockey team has won the most Stanley Cups?

Montreal Canadiens (24)


This phenomenon describes how the time between two events changes as the reference frame reaches relativistic speeds.

Time Dilation


I am a paradox about a race between two things where one is twice as fast as the other. Essentially, I state that the faster object can never pass the slower object.

Achilles and the Tortoise


What is the formula for the moment of inertia of a disk? (Assume that the axis of rotation is through the center of mass perpendicular to the plane of the disk)



A famous set of equations in electromagnetism is named after me. I proposed the idea that light is a form of electromagnetic radiation.

James Maxwell


How many hemi-demi-semi-quavers are in a triplet eighth note?



I am a class of subatomic particles which are built from quarks and only react through the strong nuclear force. Examples of me include protons, neutrons, and mesons.



I am a thought experiment where a trapdoor between two chambers of gas only lets molecules of a certain speed through. Originally formulated in 1867 by James Maxwell, this was originally conceived as a counterexample to the second law of thermodynamics.

Maxwell's Demon


I am a circuit setup consisting of 4 resistors arranged in a diamond shape designed to accurately measure an unknown electrical resistance.

Wheatstone Bridge


In special relativity, a set of transformations named after me describe how two events are separated in different inertial reference frames. I won a Nobel prize for describing the Zeeman effect.

Hendrik Lorentz


Name any 5 countries which have a four-letter long name.

Chad, Fiji, Iraq, Iran, Cuba, Laos, Mali, Oman, Peru, Togo