This Step you are required to attend 1 group & individual session per week and provide UA negative of illicit drug use.
Step 1.
Each patient is required to have this to secure their dose.
Lock Box
Group is _____________. Who you see and what you hear is group is to remain in group. Violation of this expectation could result in termination of treatment.
Attendance to ______, ______, and ________ _______ are the very strong keys to success at OTP.
dosing, groups, 1 on 1's / Individual counseling
Continued participation in reward seeking behavior to cope with emotional intolerance
In this Step you are: getting introduced to the program; having your dose titrate up; and we don't "Keep Score."
Providing UA's negative of illicit drug use is how we verify this requirement.
___ __ ____. If you are late, you may not be permitted into group.
Be On Time.
Request for guest dosing or Exceptions for Take Home medication must be completed with your counselor __ _____ prior to the date you are intending to leave.
2 Weeks
A patient may NOT move from Step 1 to Maintenance until ___ _________ group is completed.
OTP Success
In this step patients are required to attend 3 groups per week and 2 individual counseling sessions per month.
Step 3
Patients must exhibit ___________ behavior.
____ _______ must be silenced and not used during groups unless you have facilitator's permission.
Cell phones
These behaviors are completely unacceptable and may result in the immediate discharge from the program.
1. Dealing or using drugs on or near OTP or with OTP patients.
Diverting Medication.
Threats or acts of violence.
_________ UA's will result in moving up in Step Care and suspension of take home medication.
In this step patients are required to attend 2 groups per week and 2 individual counseling sessions per month.
Step 2
____________ to dosing, groups, and individual counseling sessions.
All ________ groups must be attended; any absences must be made up before moving in step care.
Failure to provide a ___ when requested will result in no dose for that day.
Selling, trading, losing, or taking you dose not as directed is considered ___________ __________.
Diverting Medication
The Mandatory Taper step can be reversed by:
Meet Step 3 attendance requirements for 1 week and provide a negative UA.
Patients must demonstrate _____________ in their home environment and social relationships.
___ person speaks at a time. No side conversations or crosstalk.
Patient must see their counselor to request a dose ___________ or ___________.
Increase Decrease
In order to receive a take home medication you must be present with an approved ____ ___, and it must be yours.
Lock Box.