Client Factors
Performance Skills
Contexts and Environments
OT Process

Name three basic Activities of Daily Living.

Bathing, dressing, eating


Name one body function that could be affected by a stroke.

Muscle power or voluntary movement.


What is an example of a motor skill in dressing?

Reaching to pull on a shirt or pants.


What is a physical environment factor that could affect occupational performance for someone with mobility issues?

Stairs or lack of accessible ramps


What are the two main parts of the evaluation process in OTPF-IV?

Occupational profile and analysis of occupational performance.


What is an example of a Leisure occupation for a client recovering from a spinal cord injury?

Playing adaptive video games or participating in w/c basketball.


How do personal values influence occupational performance?

 Personal values guide motivation and choices in activities, shaping the types of occupations that are meaningful to the client.


Name two social interaction skills that are important for workplace communication

Initiating conversations and responding appropriately in dialogue.


How does the social environment affect occupational engagement?

Support or lack of support from family, friends, and community can either facilitate or limit participation in daily activities.


Give an example of an occupation-based intervention.

Teaching a client with a stroke to dress using one-handed techniques


Define Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) and give two examples.

IADLs are activities that support daily life within the home and community. Examples: managing finances, grocery shopping


Describe how body structures are categorized in OTPF-IV.

Body structures are anatomical parts such as organs, limbs, and their components that support body function.


How might impaired process skills impact meal preparation?

Difficulty organizing steps, using kitchen tools properly, or timing meal preparation could result in incomplete or unsafe meal preparation.


Define personal context and give an example.

Personal context refers to features of the individual such as age, gender, education, or socioeconomic status. Example: A young adult with limited financial resources may have difficulty accessing healthcare services.


What is the goal of the intervention review in the OT process?

To assess progress, modify the intervention plan as needed, and ensure that goals are being met


How can social participation be impacted by a mental health condition such as anxiety?

Social participation may be limited due to avoidance of social situations, decreased self-confidence, or difficulty initiating conversations.


Explain the difference between body functions and body structures.

Body functions refer to physiological functions of body systems, while body structures refer to anatomical parts that support those functions.


What motor skill is needed for handwriting in a school setting?

Fine motor coordination or grasping a pencil.


Explain how cultural context may influence occupational choice.

Cultural beliefs and values influence which occupations are meaningful or acceptable. For example, some cultures may place a high value on family caregiving, influencing occupational roles and responsibilities.


Describe how outcomes are measured in OT.

Outcomes are measured by evaluating the client’s ability to engage in meaningful occupations and assessing changes in performance, satisfaction, and quality of life.


Describe how a child’s play occupation may be affected by a diagnosis of cerebral palsy.

Motor impairments could limit the child's ability to engage in physical play, manipulate toys, or participate in group play with peers


What client factor would be addressed when helping a client improve their ability to recognize and regulate emotions?

Mental functions, specifically emotional regulation.


Give an example of how a client’s process skills could be affected by dementia.

A client may have difficulty sequencing tasks, problem-solving, or remembering the next step in an activity.


What is an example of a virtual context influencing occupational participation?

A client using telehealth services for therapy sessions, or students participating in online learning due to COVID-19 restrictions.


What is the purpose of creating an occupational profile during the evaluation?

To gather a client’s history, experiences, interests, values, needs, and priorities, and to understand what is meaningful to the client to guide the therapy process.