Terrorism is not an ideology, it’s a __________.
What is tactic?
Integrity First, Service Before Self, and __________ are the three core values of the USAF.
What is Excellence in All We Do?
A taxonomy of followers based on levels of critical thinking and the degree of participation in task completion.
What is Kelley’s 2-Dimensional Model?
Problem solving is the purposeful act of observing a problem and then deciding to solve it, after considering __________ and deciding upon one.
What is solutions?
Organizational sources of conflict include both __________.
What are communication and structural factors?
FPCON is the acronym for __________.
What is force protection condition?
Humility, courage, accountability, and __________ are the virtues of Integrity First.
What is honesty?
A passive participant and uncritical thinker.
What is a sheep?
The first two letters in the acronym OODA stand for __________.
What are observe and orient?
These are two structural factors of conflict.
What are resource interdependence and rewards?
While they may have different end goals, insurgents, nationalists, and __________ can all be considered terrorists.
What are separatists?
Duty, loyalty, and respect are the virtues which make up this USAF core value.
What is Service Before Self?
An active participant and uncritical thinker.
What is a yes man?
The last two letters in the acronym OODA stand for __________.
What are decide and act?
Values, personality, and __________ are examples of personal behavior factors in conflict.
What is perception?
The highest FPCON level is __________.
What is delta?
These are the 4 Cs which make up the USSF core values.
What are character, courage, commitment, and connection?
__________ followers disagree privately, keep their boss informed, and accept responsibility.
What is effective?
The first 4 steps of the PPSM are __________.
What are clarify, the problem, break down the problem and ID performance gaps, set improvement targets, and determine root causes.
The two axes of the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Management Model are cooperativeness and __________.
What is assertiveness?
Previous travel or exposure to a conflict zone or an area of high political or social violence is an indicator of __________.
What is extremist mobilization?
The USAF core values were originally adopted from this institution.
What is the Air Force Academy?
These are the three full-range leadership models.
What are laissez-faire, transactional, and transformational leadership?
The last 4 steps of the PPSM are __________.
What are develop countermeasures, see countermeasures through, confirm results and process, standardize successful processes.
This type of negotiation assumes resources are limited and defaults to taking a position.
What is distributive negotiation?