Delivering a Personalized Experience
Partnering in our Success
Leading by Example
Demonstrating Excellence
Sharing our Knowledge and Expertise

Everyday in the afternoon, Mrs. Jones uses her call light to request a Lorna Doone cookie and a cup of warm tea.  The partner makes this frequent request as part of their hydration pass routine.  Is an example of...  

Anticipate customer needs and meet them


Housekeeping staff have their daily cleaning task list, but a new admission is coming today and the room needs to receive a deep cleaning before they come.  

Be flexible and adapt to changes

The phone rings, "Hello, thank you for calling Otterbein Marblehead Nursing Department, this is Dustin Director of Nursing.  How may I help you?"

Communicate in an open, honest, and respectful manner


Partner shows up to work and ready to hit the floor running and get report exactly when their shift starts.

Be on time and ready to work


Otterbein's growth and success is everyone's responsibility.  Partner has knowledge of Otterbein's goal of culture that we are trying to establish (Otterbein Experiences, Milestones, etc...) and helps to share that knowledge to others.

Understand what Otterbein does and share with others


Mr. Smith is pacing the halls, shaking their hands, and mumbling something.  A partner observes this uncharacteristic behavior and has Mr. Smith come sit down with the partner and asks Mr. Smith "what are you saying?"  Mr. Smith continues to talk about and reminisce about his wife whose death anniversary was recent. 

take time to listen to and understand others


Culinary aide was down delivering trays on Assisted Living and assisted a Resident to the toilet while in the room.  The Resident Aide came down to toilet the Resident, and the Resident informed them that the Culinary Aide just took them to the restroom.  

Appreciate and acknowledge the contributions of others


Partner comes forward to their direct supervisor and has an idea of how we may provide better care for our Residents, improve workflow, and decrease staff burnout.  The partner's direct supervisor says wonderful I would love to hear about it.  Please tell me about it.

Speak up, respectfully sharing ideas and opinions


While doing rounds and making sure that a room looks presentable before a tour, the Marketing Team discovers that the bathroom floor has a spill and they take the time to clean it up.

Ensure safety of self and others


A Culinary aide and Resident Aide work together to help on-board a new Partner who has never worked in health care before.  This Culinary Aide and Resident Aide like to share their best practices, tips and tricks of the job to help promote the growth of this new partner.

Proactively share knowledge and expertise to help others


Mrs. Smith loves basketball.  Partner sits down with her to help her fill out her March Madness Bracket and ensure to remind her that basketball is on TV.

Engage in activities and conversations that are meaningful to customers


Family member of a Resident asks the nurse when the last time their mom was seen by the doctor and had their labs drawn, because mom seems a little more weaker and confused than normal.  The nurse informs the family member that they are in the middle of giving another Resident their medications, but will be down in 10 minutes to give you an update.  Then finishes up what they were doing then follows up with the family member.

Follow up to ensure requests are addressed in a timely manner

Resident's call light is going off, aide stops in on their way to another Resident's room to inquire about the Resident's call light.  Resident requested a snack and something to drink.  The aide informed the Resident that they are currently going down to help another Resident, but will be back in about 10-15 minutes with their snack and drink.  The aide comes back about 20 minutes later and apologizes for being late but here is your snack and drink.

Do what you say you will do


Partner was in the bathroom and discovered that the vents were covered in dust, and they went down and get a duster from the Housekeeping closet and wiped them off.  Next time they saw the Trevor the Environmental Services Director and informed him of what he discovered and how they resolved the situation.  

Take personal accountability for the quality of your work


Partner is thinking about becoming a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator, and decides that it might look good and best to help work in the other departments to learn about those positions.  So as open vacancies in the other departments become available the Partner applies for the position change.  This clinical knowledge with education from school helps to develop the core values and skills.

Continually seek to improve your skills and knowledge


Maintenance department member had a work order to touch up the paint in a Residents room.  Resident is currently in the common area.  Maintenance department member found the Resident and got down to their level, smiled, and greeted the Resident by name and explained to them what they were going to be doing in the Resident's room.

Create eye contact, smile, and greet people by name


Culinary department is short staffed due to call offs, and the aides offer to serve the Residents and help deliver trays. 

Help and support others within and across departments, locations, and services


Partner was out at the local store while wearing their name badge, where a fellow patron approaches the partner speaking negatively towards Otterbein.  The partner speaks up to the fellow patron stating, "I am not sure what you have heard about Otterbein Marblehead, but I would love to help clarify anything and or give you a tour if you would like." 

Speak positively about Otterbein, each other, and out customers 


Partner utilizes their phone while on the unit only for work related communications via the Red e App versus personal interest or gains.

Be responsible in using resources


Culinary aide was taking Resident's orders in the Bistro, and allows Resident's plenty of time process and respond what was asked of them.

Respectfully interact with customers at their pace and level


Double Jeopardy: What are 2 of the most important Otterbein Experiences

1) Do what you say you will do
2) Follow up in a timely manner


Partner is walking in from the parking lot to clock in for their shift and notices that there is a bunch of cigarette butts sitting in front of the entrance.  The partner cleans up the area and then notifies their direct supervisor of the situation.    

Identify opportunities for improvement and take action