Policies & Procedures
Offers, Req & ENG

When do you collect a confirmation form from the Supplier during the extension process?

After the extension has been fully approved in Magnit


If there is no break in service, can we use the same compliance items for a candidate?

Yes, Unless there have been any updates to the Matrix


What is a 5 Star rating - when do you use it and when do you remove the 5 Stars?

A rating that indicates to the client that a worker has been made an offer.  You mark them with 5 stars when you make the offer. You removed the Stars if they decline the offer.


How many shifts can the client cancel before the Supplier can bill for the missed shifts?



Which PM do you cc for compliance and for Billing?

Zach for compliance and Christine for Billing


What date do you use when entering an extension in Magnit so the client can see it right away?

The Sunday of the week we are currently in


What is the process if a worker wants to switch agencies?

The worker must finish their contract and then they can be submitted to an open request and go through the whole process of interviews and full compliance.


How long do you wait for a Supplier to accept an offer?

48 Hours


What is the compliance clearance cut off date/time?

Weds at 4pm Central standard time the week before they start.


Where do you go to confirm a Supplier is active in our Program?

Magnit- Configurations tab- Suppliers


How do you close the loop for Extensions with the client?

Once fully approved and the CF form is collected, send it along with an email to the manager to confirm it is complete.


Name at least 6 of the rate types we enter on an Engagement?

Engagement, Call Back, On Call, Holiday, Orientation, Overtime, Regular, Education, Preceptor, Charge


What are 2 things you need to check on when MSP passing?

OU Cover sheet, no logos from Suppliers, available start dates, certifications, Bill rates, check if they are a rehire or not


What is one example of a time you would need a QCW filled out?

If a worker was not able to log their hours in Workday, OR if  a rate change was not done in time.


What steps need to be taken in Magnit when a start date is changed?

1. Update start and end dates. 2. Upload new CF. 3. Make a note in the widget onboarding tab “start date moved from date to date”


What action do you take once an extension has not been approved in 2 days?

If the extension is waiting for the manager to approve then Escalate to the Manager and cc PM. If it is pending with a final approver- Tracey then escalate to the PM only.


What is the cut off time for a CSC to update the start and end dates in Magnit to avoid the Workday connector cycle?

7 pm CST


At What point do you need to refresh a request?

After 30 days if it does not have an offer on it


What date will all Local candidates end? 



Who’s it the President of Rightsourcing?

Maria Luoni


When does a CSC need to have their notes for extensions updated in Magnit?

On Thursdays


How much time does a Supplier need to give notice if they cannot fill a cancelled Request to avoid a Cancellation fee?

7 days


What are 3 things you need to look for when confirming an offer with a Supplier?

length of assignment (13 weeks), Rates, Dates, RTO approval, Worker’s permanent home address, Nurses intake form, Confirmation form, shift


What is the contract that is entered in Magnit for each worker which shows the dates and rates agreed upon with the Supplier and worker before the assignment starts?

The confirmation form


How many hours does a Traveler has to work to be eligible for FTE hire at OUH with no fees to the Supplier?

One 13 week travel assignment or 520 hours