Our Nation's Government
Early Leaders and Policies
States and Capitals
The American Revolution
The War of 1812

The three branches of government

What are executive, legislative and judicial?


The third president of the United States

Who was Thomas Jefferson?


Montgomery is the capital of this state.

What is Alabama?


The nation we fought against for our independence.

What was Britain? (England is also acceptable)


The famous American song about the Battle of Fort McHenry during the War of 1812

What was the Star Spangled Banner?


The supreme law of the land

What is the Constitution?


The name of the laws, ratified in 1781, that first united the 13 colonies, but created a weak central government.

What were the Articles of Confederation?


These 3 states make up the Simpson character "MAG". They form a line across the southeastern corner of the US, and cross the top of Florida

What are Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia?


The name of the Act that forced colonists to give supplies and shelter in their own homes to British soldiers

What was the Quartering Act?


The General that led the Battle of New Orleans

Who was Andrew Jackson?


The name of the first 10 amendments to the Constitution

What are the Bill of Rights?


The policy that forbid European nations to create new colonies in the Western Hemisphere

What was the Monroe Doctrine?


Frankfort is the capital of this state.

What is Kentucky?


The name of the document the colonists sent to Britain explaining the complaints we had against the king and the action we were taking for our freedom.

What was the Declaration of Independence?


The 2 main reasons America wanted to go to war with Britain in 1812

What were the conquest of Canada (or fur trade) and power on the seas (no sailors being impressed and freedom to trade with France and Spain)?


The name of the two houses that make up the head of the legislative branch.

What are the House of Representatives and the Senate?


The name of Alexander Hamilton's political party that believed in rule by the wealthy class and a loose interpretation of the Constitution

Who were the Federalists?


The only place in the US where 4 states all touch in one corner, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona have these 4 capital cities

What are Salt Lake City, Denver, Santa Fe and Phoenix.


The name of the act that placed taxes on paper goods including newspapers, pamphlets and playing cards

What was the Stamp Act?


The Shawnee leader working to unite several Native American tribes against the US

Who was Tecumseh?


The title of the third person in command, who takes over if something happens to the President and Vice President

What is the speaker of the house?


The two leaders chosen to investigate and explore the land that Thomas Jefferson acquired from Napoleon Bonaparte.

Who were Captain Meriwether Lewis and William Clark?


The name of 4 capitals of states that begin with the letter M

St. Paul, Lansing, Boston, Jefferson City, Jackson,Augusta, Annapolis, Helena


The name of the man killed in the Boston Massacre, who is considered the first person to have been killed in the American Revolution

Who was Crispus Attucks?


The official name of the ship, nicknamed "Old Ironsides" that helped to boost the reputation of the United States Navy

What was the USS Constitution?