Many people enjoy watching horror movies, don´t they?
Yes, they do
We are afraid of the dark because....
sometimes wild animals or other dangers hid in the dark
there are evolutionary reasons why we fear certain things
Scientists identified an area of the brain that...
that is linked to fear
How do movies create tension?
created through mystery, terror, shock and mood
There isn´t a specific area of the brain that is linked to fear, is there?
Yes, there is. The amygdala
many scary movies have images of animal-like monsters because...
The area of the brain linked to fear produces stronger responses when people view images of animals
Scary movies activate fear responses in the amygdala
It is important to understand what creates...
horror in movies
Does the author think horror movies are going to become less popular?
No, he doesn´t
The researchers are not curious to know what kind of emotions people are feeling when they are watching a movie, are they?
Yes, they are
Most students couldn´t watch horrible images from documentary movies because...
they knew it was real
Students spend a lot of money watching horror movies
This area of the brain produces stronger responses when...
when people see images of animals
Researchers are confused about people´s emotional response to horror movies. Why?
Brain scan research also shows that horror movies on´t actually create fear responses in the amygdala
Relevance is one of the components of horror movies, isn´t it?
Yes, it is
we enjoy horror because
of the feeling of confidence we experience afterwards
This may explain why documentary-style movies that are presented as "real "- such as Paranormal activity - are seen as...
are seen as particularly frightening
an area of the brain that is linked to fear
It is not important to understand what creates horror in movies, is it?
Yes, it is
people want to see what happened at the scene of a car accident because
they have a sort of dark curiosity
People in their 20s watch more horror movies than anybody else
Psychologist Glenn D Walters has identified
has identified three factors.
How many factors are needed to create horror?