What should you do before the start of class (in the morning)?
Check temperature, greet teacher, get water, sharpen pencils, enter quietly, have materials ready
When walking in the hallway, you should...
Wear your mask, two tiles apart, look straight ahead, walk, and stay quiet.
Student of the week goes to a student who....
Is responsible, respectful, helpful, kind, fair, and a good citizen. No behavior sheet marks.
What do you do to get your teacher's attention?
Quietly raise your hand and wait to be called on
When getting up from your desk (with permission), you should....
Wear your mask, do not disturb the learning of others, walk, practice social distancing
Student of the week will be rewarded with a choice of....
Homework pass, lunch bunch, or treasure box
What is the procedure for using the restroom?
Put pointer finger in the air and wait for teacher to nod. This is during non-instructional time.
In the cafeteria, you should sit by....
Students in the same line order and only take off mask for eating and drinking
Give an example of being responsible.
Answers may vary. Doing your work, following directions, staying safe by practicing social distancing and wearing your mask.
What is the procedure for lining up?
Teacher calls by rows, students follow in line order and walk in front of desks toward the door. Make sure mask is on, quiet, and push in chairs.
Give an example of being respectful.
Answers may vary. Using manners, not interrupting, listening, not talking back, doing what is asked
Procedure for switching classes
Line up procedure, make sure have all materials including planner, behavior sheet, pencil case, and water bottle. Stay quiet while switching and grab any materials you need from your cubby (stay on the left side).
Name a consequence of not following rules.