Morning Routine
Leaving the Classroom
What if?
Being a Good Learner/ Community Member
Yes or No

What is the name of the place where you store your coat and backpack during the school day?

You store your coat an backpack in your locker/cubby.


What do when we do when we see someone we know in the hallway?

Give a silent wave when we are walking as a class in line.

Quietly say, "hello" when you are walking by yourself in the hall.


Oh no! Both of my pencils are broken. What should I do?

Return the pencils to the red jar and take 2 new pencils from the blackjar.


When moving to the carpet, to your desks, or to line up, what are the 3 words you should be thinking about?

It is important to move from place to place QUICKLY, QUIETLY, and SAFELY.


You can get out of your seat to get a tissue or germ squirt.

Yes, but you should not be moving around the classroom a lot while the teacher is teaching.


How many sharpened pencils should you have in your toolbox at all times?

You should have 2 sharpened pencils in your toolbox at all times.


Why is it important for your eyes to be forward when you are walking in the hall?

You need to stay safe (not running into others or things).


Oh no! Mrs. Q is working with students in a reading group (or small group) and you are working independently. You have a question. What should you do?

You need to "Ask 3 Before Me." This means that you need to ask 3 classmates to see if they know the answer to the question. If you asked 3 people and no one knows the answer, then you may ask Mrs. Q. 

Our goal is to try not to interrupt Mrs. Q when she is working with other students.


What does it mean to be a whole body listener?

You are listening by doing the following:

Eyes are looking, Ears are listening, Mouths are quiet, Brain is thinking, Arms and Legs are still


During a fire drill, you should run out of the building as quickly as possible.


1. Walk, do not run! Remember we want to get out of the school as quickly and safely as possible.

2. Push in your chair under your desk, so we can easily make our way to the door.

3. Line order does not matter (not even the line leader and caboose)

4. Stay quiet (in the building and when waiting outside), so you can listen for directions.

5. Stay together! if you are get separated from the class, join another class and let the adult know that you are there.


What do you need to do with your iPad each morning?

You need to unplug it and gently place it in your desk.


Why do you walk with a "bubble face" or stay quiet when walking in the hall?

It is important to be a good community member (not interrupting others while they are learning).


Oh no! It is BAR/independent work time and you need to use the bathroom. What do you do?

Mrs. Q will send students to the bathroom during this time. You need to quickly use the bathroom and return to the classroom.


Why is it important to sit "Criss Cross, Applesauce with Hands in Your Lap?"

You have your own personal space. Putting your hands in your lap keeps them safe from being stepped on. When your legs are crossed and hands are in your lap, then you can bother other people around you.


I should look at the person (teacher or student) who is speaking/sharing with the class.

Yes, when you look at the person who is speaking, you are showing them respect. By looking at them, they know you are listening and in what they have to say.


What  do you need to do with your Take Home Folder each morning?

You need to turn it in to the Take Home Folder Bin. 

Do not take out any papers (notes, forms, etc.) that your family has sent to school. Mrs. Q will take them out.


Why do you need to ask Mrs. Q before leaving the classroom?

You need to be safe. Mrs. Q needs to know where you are at all times. If you are leaving with another teacher, he/she will sign you out.


What if you see kids messing around (yelling, throwing paper towels on the floor, pushing each other, etc.) in the bathroom? What should you do?

Do not join in! Ask the kids to show their PRIDE and make better choices. 

Use the bathroom, flush, wash your hands and return to the classroom. Let an adult know about the inappropriate behavior in the bathroom.


What should you do if you have something to share or want to answer a question during a lesson?

You need to raise your hand and wait to be called on.

If everyone yells out, then we will not know who is speaking and if the answers are correct.

If you are making a connection, show the connection/brain match hand gesture.


It is ok to play with things (scissors, glue, crayons, erasers, etc.) in your desk while the teacher or your classmates are speaking.

No, these items should stay in your toolbox until needed to complete your work. 

However, some students may be given permission to use a fidget at their seats (if needed).


These are the 2 things I need to remember to do before going to the bathroom.

What is ask Mrs. Q and move my popsicle stick.


What is the response you give to Mrs. Q when you are in line and she says, "All set?" and you are ready to enter the hall as a class?

You say, "You Bet!" and show Mrs. Q that you are ready to enter the hallway.


You are working at your seat. You hear Mrs. Q say, "ABC." What do you do?

You respond with "1,2,3" and then you quickly finish up what you are doing. When she says it again, you respond with "1,2,3" and put your eyes on her and your body is still waiting for directions.


What does it mean when Mrs. Q raises her hand when you are working with a partner on the carpet?

It means that you need to wrap up/finish your conversation, and then sit quietly while others finish. Then, Mrs. Q will continue on with the lesson.


When a substitute or guest teacher is in the classroom, students should act silly or naughty?

NO! Student behavior should be the same or BETTER than when Mrs. Quku is the only teacher in the classroom. Students need to show their PRIDE at all times.