What color is the Homework Folder?
What time does the bell ring at school?
What is the best way to contact the Teacher?
What color is the Homework Folder?
When is our first fieldtrip?
September 22
How much percent is taken from late homework?
5% per day missed
What time is Dismissal?
How long does the teacher have to respond to a parent email?
When will we have a Ice cream social?
May 28
We have homework everyday except what day?
What time is Snack time?
On what platform will students work be posted?
Class Dojo
What is the first thing we do every morning when we enter the classroom?
Turn our homework in
When is conference week?
Oct 23-Oct27
What day are Spelling Packets Due?
What time is lunch?
Where can you find schoolwide announcements?
Parent square
How do I check out a book?
With my school ID
When is Fall Fest?
The Friday before Halloween
How many Book Reports will we have this year?
4 book reports, one each Quarter
When is the last day of school?
June 2nd
What are the 2 requirements needed to Volunteer in the classroom?
Turn in the Volunteer form. Get a background check.
How can you earn class points?
Preform with excellent behavior in and outside of the classroom.
What does CAMPS stand for?
Computers, Art, Music,PE,SEL