Yes or No: Can you use the hall pass if you lost a point that day?
Bonus Part Yes or No: Will you loose a point if you show up tardy to class without a pass?
What is...
Nah Brah, try again the next day
Bonus Part Answer: Yes you will loose a point unless it is the first class of the day.
Who is person Number 3 at your table?
What is...
Answers Vary
what color are the lights when it is Lecture Mode?
What is Yellow/White ish
What is the color of the lights when it is work mode?
What is... Multicolors
By the time the bell rings what should you be doing?
Working on the Do Now
What happens on Mondays (Supposedly) if you did not loose any points last week?
What is earning a reward? (Sticker, fidget, Denman Tickets)
What is your seat
What happens if you talk out of turn during lecture mode?
What is loose 1 point
What is false
If you do not have a pencil WHEN should you get one
Bonus Question: What should you do with that borrowed pencil at the end of class?
What is Before class starts
Bonus Question: What is Return the pencil
True or False: Keeping your hands to yourself shows consideration to your peers
What is true
What door do we NEVER use to enter and exit the classroom?
What is Door B (the one closest to table 3)
What is the Main #1 activity you are doing while we are in Lecture Mode
What is Active Listening
When can you have independent free time during work mode?
You need to get up to sharpen a pencil but Ms. Justine is warning you that the bell will ring in 10 seconds. what should you do?
What is... Wait until after Ms. Justine starts class then SILENTLY get up and sharpen your pencil.
What is the last rule under "Be Respectful" on the Classroom expectation Poster?
What is Clean up after yourself
True or False: Picking up after yourself demonstrates how responsible and respectful you are.
What is True.
When someone is disruptive during lecture mode what should you do?
What is ignore them
What is tell the teacher
you need to sharpen your pencil but someone is already at the sharpener. What should you do?
What is wait at my seat until no one is at the sharpener.
During the Do Now Voices are ____
What is Off?
Why is it important to follow all adult instructions promptly
What is...
have class run smooth
maximize our learning time
demonstrate your level of responsibility
New Semester New Rule: If your group leaves the table a mess after class what should be the consequence?
What is something you can do in addition to listening to a lecture
What is take notes
If you cannot figure out a problem on a worksheet, what can you do?
What is...
Look in notebook
raise hand and ask questions
ask a table mate
What is...
Title "Do Now Week Dates"
The days of the week listed
a separating line between do nows.