The First Americans
Eurpoean Exploration
The Colonies
Random Questions

Why different cultural regions formed in North America?

Groups adapted to the environments in which they settled.


Why did the first Americans migrate from Asia to the Americas?

In search of food. The first Americans are thought to have arrived through the Beringia following migration patterns of mammals. 


What was the goal of the first European explorers?

To locate Asia


In 1626, this Dutchman purchased Manhattan Island from local Native Americans for $24

Who is Peter Minuit? 


This theme song represents a show that was recently remade. What is that new show? 

What is Wednesday? 


Why did people in the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies adapt different ways of life?

Because of different geographies and resourcess


What was most important in determining the way of life of an American Indian group?

Food Sources/Geography. There was NO COSTCOS


How did Marco Polo encourage European exploration?

He wrote a book about his travels in Asia.


Delaware, New York, Pennsylvania, and this other colony are collectively known as the Middle Colonies

What is New Jersey? 


This Actor was the main star of Transformers from the years 2007-2011

Who is Shai Labeouf? 


Jamestown is in this present-day state

What is Virginia? 


What was the most important in order to ensure to the survival of the American Indians?

Their ability to use natural resources and adapt. 


What was the main goal of the Spanish conquistadors who came to the Americas?

To conquer a large empire for Spain


What document is most similar to the Mayflower Compact? (Hint it was ratified in on June 7th 1778!)


You can give me the date of the Mayflower Compact, TIMELINE CARDS 

The Constitution

Mayflower Compact November 11th, 1620 


Who won the 2024 Superbowl?  

Who are the Kansas City Chiefs? 


How would you best describe the environment of the New England colonies?

harsh winters and rocky, hilly land


What was the main goal of the Spanish missionaries in regards to the American Indians?

to teach their religion to the American Indians


After leaving England for the Netherlands in 1608 to escape religious persecution, this Separatist group later made their way to North America in 1620 aboard the Mayflower and created Plymouth Colony

What are the Pilgrims? 


This North American Colony was Englands first attempt, with Sir Walter Raleigh (they had multiple failures) at settling in North America after receiving a charter from the king.

What is Roanoke? 


She got her start on Disney Channel, she has been on Broadway, and she opened up for Taylor Swift on Tour. Who is she? 

Who is Sabrina Carpenter? 


The French established numerous settlements and trading posts, such as Quebec, all up and down this major river

What is Saint Lawrence River? 


List 3 separate causes of colonization that lead to the effect of the decline of the American Indian Population

1. Heavy reliance on agriculture lead to the use of American Indian Labor as a staple to the Economy

2. Colonization brought unknown diseases that wiped out the population 

3. Wars between European Nations, and wars that arose between the American Indians and the European Settlers also effected the decline of the American Indian population 


____ took the place of American Indian workers

What is African American Slavery in North America? 


Established on May 15, 1607, it would become the first permanent English settlement in North America

What is Jamestown? 


What is the name of the Band AND Song?