What parts of your body can you use to touch and feel things?
hands, feet, anything covered with skin
Which parts of your eyes hold your eyeballs and keep them from getting poked?
eye sockets
How does sound travel through the air?
in sound waves
How do molecules get into the nose?
through the nostrils
What are the bumps on your tongue called that help you taste foods?
taste buds
What is underneath your skin that runs through your whole body and enables you to feel?
Which parts of your eyes come down over your eyes when you blink?
Can you see sound waves?
No, they are invisible.
What do we call the tiny pieces of things in the air that are too small to see?
What are the four types of tastes you can taste with your taste buds?
sweet, salty, bitter, sour
What is one of the most sensitive part of your body?
your fingertips
Which parts of your eyes brush dirt away from your eyes?
Can you stop the sound waves completely from coming into your ears?
No, but if you cover your ears the sound is muffled or quieted.
What kind of molecules go into the nose and make up scents?
odor molecules
What are some foods that taste sour?
Answers may vary.
How can the sense of touch keep you safe and protect your body from harm?
It allows your body to learn whether something can hurt you—if it burns you or causes pain—and you learn to avoid touching that thing in the future.
Which parts of your eyes keep sweat from running down into your eyes?
What part of your ear vibrates, or moves back and forth, when the sound waves bump into it?
After the smell receptors “catch” the odor molecules, or scents, where do they send the information about those odors?
to the brain
What foods can you think of that both smells and taste bad?
Answers may vary.
Name all of the five senses?
touch, smell, taste, sight, and earing
Which parts of your eyes make tears to help keep your eyeballs clean and moist?
tear ducts
What is happening when a sound wave “echoes”?
Sound waves bounce off tall things like cliffs, mountains, or tall buildings, and the noise comes back so you hear it again.
Why do you have a hard time smelling odors when you have a cold?
The mucus gets in the way of the odor molecules reaching your smell receptors.
What other sense helps with the sense of taste?