What were the two main boys names?
Randy & Miles
Charles & Randy
My my miles & Randall
Charlie & Miles
How many main characters were there?
A. 5
B. 10
C. 3
D. 4
True or False: Martin Luther King's home was bombed with his family inside?
A. High School
B. Elementary school
C. Middle School
D. College
Who did Martin Luther King Jr.'s efforts help?
Everyone (Black people, women, etc.)
When the characters met their teacher at the "I Have a Dream" Speech, what was she thinking of changing her name to?
A. Flower
B. Rainbow
C. Sunshine
D. Daisy
Which of the following were OKAY for white people and black people to do together?
A. Ride the bus
B. Drink from the same water fountain
C. Use the same bathrooms
D. Date
Who was responsible for Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination?
A. A random man
B. A Nurse at the hospital
C. The United State Government?
D. A Crazy Bus driver
Why was the world changed (with more open discrimination towards women and POC) when Martin was brought to the future?
It was the world without MLK
What court case made it so that black and white people could date and marry?
A. United States vs. Roe
B. Loving vs. Virginia
C. Loving vs. Washington
D. Roe vs. Wade