What is the only part of the body that can't heal themselves?
The teeth
Girl finds love and gets a haircut.
We dont say his name right cuz we dont need to, his looks are enough... but his wallet is not.
Zhongli - Genshin
...você é _______ porque você é gay, não?.
...você é masoquista porque você é gay, não?.
Eu não vou conseguir conversar :((, Minha ____ ta aqui
A avó tava em casa
What planet has the second most rings?
A teen boys body changes & he discovers he can shoot a white sticky liquid out his body
Spider Man
Gamble time!
A game about bringing lost kids home and claming as your own.
...keep it? ____ this one you'll ___.
...keep it? Swear this one you'll save.
gnttt eu _______ completamente kkkkk desculpaaa
Ela esqueçeu
What is the national animal of Scotland
Small green alien dislikes dictatorship.
Star Wars
What were we doing when Mari's dog died in Minecraft
Searching for a treasure chest under the sea
..._____ this stupid ___ on? That's ____.
...without this stupid hat on? That's weird.
Oiii, gnttt eu tava ______ kkkkkk
Ela dormiu
Landmark that can be 15 cm taller during the summer
Tower Eiffel
Three scientists go to a theme park and have a bad time.
Jurassic Park
The place where you abandoned me and maxed out by yourselves.
The Dojo - Club Penguin
___ me, ____ me, ___ me.
Pick me, Choose me, Love me.
Gamble time!
Oiee, gnt eu to ____ de _____ pra fazer ent nn vou conseguir :((
Oiee, gnt eu to cheia de lição pra fazer ent nn vou conseguir :((
What is the only animals with 3 hearts?
Kids comes out of the closet
What is the scariest enemy mari has ever faced
Hilichurls/Macacos - Genshhin
...didn't ____, but you're ___ a ____.
...didn't cheat, but you're still a traitor.
Hoje eu tenho ____, Desculpa!
O Pilates não deixou ela conversar