What does SpongeBob live
What is a pineapple
What tv show tells you about whats going on worldwide
What is the news
Who loves donuts
Who is homer
What fish has spices as great white and hammerhead
What are sharks
What toy store is closing
What is Toys R Us
What do parrots like
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Who has a saxaphone
Who is Lisa
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What is jellyfish
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What are the two common pets
What are cats and dogs
What game do you use whipped cream for
What is pie face
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What is myth
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Who works at Quick e mart
Who is apu
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What is a cheatah
What putty can you put on news paper and see it on the putty
What is silly Putty
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What is an egg
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Who says
"eat my shorts"
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What is whale
What modelling clay comes in little cans
What is Play doh