Math - Grade 5
Math- Grade 4
Social Studies Grade 5
Social Studies Grade 4
The answer to this problem: (6 x 8) + (5 x 12) + (4 x 3)
What is 120.
The factor pair (6,8) are factors of this number.
What is 48 or 24.
Christopher Columbus needs a hardworking crew of sailors to work for him on his ships. Name 4 jobs that you can apply for.
What is artists, boatswains, captains, carpenters, cooks, doctors, first mate, cleaning persons, mapmakers, musicians, officers, sailmakers, writers, priests, ship's boy or girl stewards.
The range of mountains that makes up the highest peak in Washington with 41 glaciers on its summit.
What is the Cascade range.
This is the name of the animal that you can hear tap, tap, tapping on the saguaro cactus.
What is the Gila woodpecker.
The median for this set of data: 8 cm. 10 cm. 15 cm. 6cm.
What is 9 cm.
The number 13 is prime because why?
It is only divisible by 1 and itself.
Columbus arrived on a island that he thought was Japan. This was the real name of the island.
What is Cuba.
Washington's most important body of water contains many islands and is one-fifth the size of Lake Erie and isn't a lake at all.
What is Puget Sound.
These animals have tough jaws and sharp tusks. They attack the fruit of the saquaro cactus when it falls to the ground.
What are Javelinas.
The number 147 has factors of 49 and what number.
What is the number 3.
n - 8 = 9
What is 17.
Columbus set sail westward at least 4 times looking for the Indies. What two things was he hoping to get from the Indies when he got there?
What is silk and spices.
This is the approximate elevation of Spokane, Washington.
What is 1,000 - 3,000 feet.
For a cactus this process only happens at night.
What is photosynthesis.
The mean for the data set of: 50% 60% 30% 25% 40%
What is 41.
Shayne began her trip to her family's cabin at 9:30 A.M. She arrived at 12:15 P.M. How long did it take her to get to her family's cabin.
What is 2 hours and 45 minutes.
This was the name of the queen of Spain who gave Columbus the money he needed to make the trips in search of the Indies.
Who is Queen Isabella.
Which is the best answer for the average yearly precipitation (rainfall & snow) that Spokane, Washington receives, 20 inches or 30 inches?
What is 20 inches.
A behavior or body part that helps a plant or animal survive.
What is an adaptation or adaptations.
This is the solution for 4 to the third power multiplied by 5.
What is 320.
I left soccer camp on August 3rd. I was at camp for 2 weeks. What day of the month did I arrive?
What is July 21st.
This was the name of the country that Christopher Columbus was born in.
What is Italy.
This city in Washington state receives the most precipitation than any other city.
What is Aberdeen.
The bat drinks this from the cactus flowers.
What is nectar.