Entering the Room
Book Care
Check Out
Voice Levels
Materials and Equipment

What is the first thing I do as I enter the library for class?

Quietly walk to sit criss-cross on an open dot on the front carpet.


How should I mark my place in my library book that I checked out?

A bookmark, a sticky note with the page number written down, or the book cover flaps.


Where should I put the book I want to return to the library when I am finished the book?

Put the book in the Library Book Cart at my classroom. (The Cart is a black plastic bin on wheels.) Or in the Library Return Bin outside the library.


What voice level do I use when I enter the library?

Level zero


When is a book I check out due back to the library?

The next time I have library class. (About one week)


What should I bring with me when I have library class?

Nothing except my Chromebook and book(s) I want to renew.


Why should I check my hands before handling a book?

My hands should be clean so the book stays clean.


When should I put the book I want to return in the Book Cart?

First thing in the morning on the day I have library class (when I am unpacking).

If I need to call for help, what voice level can I use?

Level 4 or above. Always call if there is an emergency.


What happens if I do not use the reading cushions correctly?

I will lose the privilege for 1 month. So I will make the choice to keep them on the ground and away from other people.

How do I sit in a classroom blue chair?

With the base flat on the ground and my head up off the ground.  I should not adjust the back - it is already set for me.


Where should I put my books when I take them home to read?

In a backpack or protective case.


I checked out a book last library class.  I have library today.  What are my two choices for what to do with my book?

Check it back in (return it because I am done with it) by putting it in the Book Cart on my library day


Bring it with me to library class to renew it (so I can keep reading it for one more week).

What can I earn every time I am in Library class?
I can always earn tickets and a complimentary report to my teacher for class points or rewards (Dojo points, marbles, tally points).

What must I use to pull a book off of a shelf correctly?

A shelf marker.

How do I find a spot to sit in the library classroom?

Walk in quietly and find any open blue chair, even if it is not right next to my friend.


Why shouldn't I let other people borrow my books?

The book is checked out in my name and it is my responsibility.


After I check out a book, what do I do?

Sit and read. Be ready to line up at the front door soon.


How many strikes is it possible to receive while in Library class if I do not make the right choice?

3 strikes. 1 is a warning to please make a better choice and follow our expectations. 2 is when I am pulled from the fun activity and talk with my teacher when he/she arrives. 3 means I will be escorted to the Office to tell Mrs. Hickson or Mr. McLaughlin about the choices I made, as well as a meeting with my teacher.


Do I need to pay for anything in this library?

I do not pay to check out or read a book BUT I must pay the cost of a book if I lose it or damage it.


Where is it possible to have assigned seats in the library?

On the dot rug and in the library classroom. Both or either are possible at Ms. M's or Ms. Reeves' direction.


What are at least 3 things I keep my book away from?

Pets, small children, water, food, bad weather, dirt, places I will lose the book easily.


If I do not check out a book, what do I do?  Name at least two options.

Look at books, sit and read then put the book back where you found it, do a challenge, read/watch with Epic, finish a class activity, help shelve books (with Ms. Reeves' permission), do a Makerspace activity


What voice levels can I use during free reading time and partner activities?

0, 1, or 2


What can I search for on the library computers?

Search the library OPAC (library catalogue) for books and search the library website.