Solar System 🌌
Astronauts 👩🏼‍🚀
Rockets 🚀
Satellites 🛰
Mix 🪄

Is the sun a star just like the others we see in the sky?

Yes, it is.

The other stars you see are similar in nature but are much farther away from us 


Where do astronauts live in space?

They live in the ISS (The international space station)


How was the name of the rocket of the first astronauts that stepped on the moon?

It was Saturn V. It launched the Apollo 11 mission, which included Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins.


Is the Earth a satellite?

No, it isn't.


What is the name of the galaxy we live in?

The galaxy we live in is called the Milky Way Galaxy.


Do the planets orbit the moon?

No, they don't.


How do astronauts get ready for outer space?

By undergoing rigorous training, maintaining peak physical fitness, learning spacecraft systems, passing medical exams, building teamwork skills, and completing pre-launch procedures.


Who was the pilot of the rocket Saturn and the mission Apollo 11?

It was Michael Collins.


What is the name of the argentinian satellite program?



Does it rain in space? 

No, it doesn’t rain in space. 

Rain requires a liquid to condense and fall, which needs an atmosphere and a source of moisture—conditions that don't exist in the vacuum of space.


How many planets are there in the solar system?

There are eight.


Who was with Nail Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin in the mission to the moon?

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were accompanied by Michael Collins.


What country invented the rockets?

Rockets were first invented in China. The earliest known use of rockets dates back to the 13th century during the Song Dynasty, where they were used in military applications and as fireworks.


What is the name of the first man-made satellite launched to space?

It's Sputnik 1.


Is Saturn the only planet with rings?

No, it isn't. 

Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune also have ring systems, though they are much less conspicuous than Saturn's.


Does the moon have its own light?

No,it doesn't.


How do astronauts sleep in the Space Station?

Astronauts sleep in the Space Station by securing themselves in sleeping bags attached to the wall or a small cabin, using straps to prevent floating while they sleep in microgravity.


(T or F) The name of the lunar module that landed on the moon was Saturn.


The name of the lunar module that landed on the Moon during the Apollo 11 mission was Eagle. Saturn was the name of the rocket that launched the mission.


Name two main parts of a satellite.

  • Bus
  • Power System (includes solar panels and batteries)
  • Propulsion System
  • Communication System (includes antennas and transmitters/receivers)
  • Payload (mission-specific equipment)
  • Thermal Control System
  • Attitude and Orbit Control System (AOCS)
  • Onboard Computer
  • Structural Components
  • Thermal Insulation

What temperature is in the sun?

It is about 15 million degrees Celsius.


What is the fifth planet closer to the sun?

It is Jupiter.


Why does an astronaut need a space-suit?

An astronaut needs a space suit to ensure life support, protection, and mobility in the vacuum and extreme conditions of space.


Name two parts of a rocket.

  1. Propulsion System: Includes engines, fuel tanks, and thrust chambers.
  2. Airframe: The structural framework of the rocket.
  3. Payload: The cargo, such as satellites, scientific instruments, or crew modules.
  4. Guidance System: Navigation and control mechanisms, including sensors and computers.
  5. Fins: Stabilize the rocket during flight (in some designs).
  6. Nose Cone: The pointed front part that reduces aerodynamic drag.
  7. Stages: Sections of the rocket that separate during flight to reduce weight.
  8. Recovery System: Parachutes or other mechanisms for retrieving parts of the rocket (in some rockets).

How many satellites did NASA launch to space?

More than 15000


How old is the solar system? 

It is about 4.6 billion years old. 

This age is determined through the study of meteorites and the dating of the oldest rocks on Earth and the Moon.