What Color is Our Sun?
What was the first planet to emerge in the solar system?
How many on the Rocky Planets Side?
What is the name of the 3 moons of the Rocky Planets?
Luna, Phobos, Deimos
How long does it take to get to the moon?
3 days
How many planets are there in the solar system?
What year was the Moon Landing
Why do Mercury and Venus don't have moons?
For Mercury the Sun would most likely capture it and destroy it. And as for Venus it never capture any celestial body.
Name At least 8 Moons of Neptune
Triton, Proteus, Larissa, Laomedeia, Thalassa, Psamathe, Naiad, Despina, Nereid, Galatea, Halimede, Sao, Hippocamp, Neso
What is the fastest Planet?
What is the order of the planets from the Sun to Further point?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
What is the most likely reason why Saturn Has rings?
Theories state that Since Saturn itself contains a lot of moons, chances are that some of them were sucked closer to it and destroyed and the debris is what most likely formed the rings.
How many Moons are on the Gassy Planets Side?
Over 200
Name at least 16 Moons of Uranus
Desdemona, Francisco, Ferdinand, Prospero, Oberon, Ophelia, Juliet, Cordelia, Puck, Cupid, Ariel, Sycorax, Umbriel, Mab, Belinda, Trinculo, Perdita, Portia, Stephano, Margaret, Miranda, Setebos, Bianca, Rosalind, Cressida, Caliban, Titania
What is an Astronomical Unit?
The distance between the Sun and the Earth
What is the Hottest Planet?
How is a Star Formed?
A Star Formed when a bunch of molecular clouds merge together and collapse in on themselves to form a heavy ball of gas. These clouds no longer exist in our solar system today.
How many moons are roughly is the Solar System?
Name at least 24 Moons of Jupiter
Ganymede, Isonoe, Europa, Io, Herse, Kore, Kallichore, Themisto, Sinope, Leda, Callisto, Erinome, Adrastea, Eurydome, Amalthea, Metis, Euporie, Chaldene, Kalyke, Thebe, Cyllene, Hegemone, Carpo, Mneme, Hermippe, Elara, Carme, Iocaste, Pasiphae, Aoede, Praxidike, Helike, Kale, Callirrhoe, Megaclite, Orthosie, Eukelade, Arche, Pasithee, Dia, Sponde, Taygete, Thelxinoe, Euanthe, Autonoe, Ananke, Thyone, Aitne, Lysithea, Harpalyke, Himalia, Valetudo
What is the Speed of Light?
186,000 Miles per Second
What is the Coldest Planet
Explain the Grand Tack
The Grand Tack, happened billions of years ago when Jupiter previously had Mars orbit, however it was switched to the 5th spot than the 4th spot which caused a disaster in the solar system. The switch in orbits of a planet to have disastrous consequences on the earlier rocky planets.
What is needed from a Celestial Body to become a moon?
This object needs to orbit around a bigger object.
Name At Least 32 Moons of Saturn
Titan, Aegeaon, Kiviuq, Atlas, Pandora, Methone, Daphnis, Helene, Dione, Polydeuces, Rhea, Tethys, Iapetus, Bestlas Loge, Surtur, Fenrir, Sutteungr, Tarvos, Aegir, Hyrokkin, Mundilfari, Erriapus, Fornjot, Kari, Skoll, Prometheus, Tarqeq, Epimetheus, Albiorix, Telesto, Phoebe, Narvi, Calypso, Thrmyr, Enceladus, Mimas, Hyperion, Skathi, Ijiraq, Siarnaq, Farbauti, Paaliaq, Ymir, Aegir with with a couple more moons here... such as S2004 S24, S2004 S12.
How far away is the coldest star to our system in galaxy?
The Centurari Star is 4.2 Light years, or 2,500, 000 normal years.