Where does the gang go to eat?
Who says Happy Birthday?
What size is the thermometer?
So Large
What is Sikowitz' favorite food?
What is the principal's name?
Principal Franklin
Where did the gang get stuck overnight?
Wanko's Warehouse
Sam's favorite food is?
Fried chicken
What book does the small man read to Cat?
The Pudgy Monkey
Where is Trina Vega's play based?
While attempting to leave Nora's, where does Gibby get stuck?
Chimney, in the rain
"Whoop, there go the legs!"
Robbie Shapiro
Who stole Sam and Carly's ideas from the show?
The guys from the Dingo Channel
What did Goomer receive on Yay Day?
What show does Robbie create to exploit his friends?
Who is the kid that Spencer typically fights with?
Raisin Bran
What made up number does Carly give to Chuck?
Who brought the timers for the bombs?
What does the guy shout before Tori sings 'Freak the Freak Out'?
How does Harry Styles get jungle worms?
By drinking off of Carly's bottle
What ice cream prize performance did the gang win?
Who is the maniac that invites the gang over for a Norwegian supper?
Nora Dershlit
Just bought a new boat...?
My life's going great
Who said, "Girl, will you hold my oatmeal for me?"?
Who loves bread and butter pickles?
Neville Papperman