Chapter 1
10,000 Hour Rule
The Trouble with Genius
The Trouble with Genius, Part 2

1. Of what were the people of Roseto dying?

People were dying of old age


6. What discovery is made about the majority of the most successful hockey players?

Their birthdays are soon after the eligibility cut-off date.


11. According to Gladwell, which of the following seems to play the biggest influence in the careers of the gifted?

Preparation, innate talent, skill, attitude, or luck.



16. What truly distinguishes the histories of Bill Gates, Bill Joy, and The Beatles is not their extraordinary talent but their extraordinary...



21. Who was Robert Oppenheimer?

He oversaw the development of the nuclear bomb.


2. In what state did the Rosetans settle?



7. What does Gladwell suggest to combat arbitrary cut-off dates for elementary and middle schools?

Groups students into January-April, May-August, and September-December birthdays.


12. Researchers believe that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to obtain...



17. According to Gladwell, how was being born in the 1830s-1840s an extraordinary opportunity for people like Rockefeller, Carnegie, and J.P. Morgan, who became some of America's wealthiest?

They were able to capitalize on their own vision and talent at the right time.


22. For what act did Oppenheimer receive probation?

He tried to poison his tutor.


3. Why was Roseto considered and outlier?

Roseto is "a place that lay outside everyday experience, where the normal rules did not apply."


8. According to Gladwell, why don't we change this arbitrary eligibility cut-off system for schools, sports and other areas?

We believe that success is based off of individual merit.


15. What was so significant about The Beatles playing in Hamburg that led to their future success?

They were forced to play for a very long time.


18. What common theory is debunked in Chapter Three, "The Trouble with Geniuses, Part 1"?

The higher the IQ=the greater the potential.


23. Even though they were both geniuses, why was Oppenheimer more successful than Chris Langan?

Oppenheimer had charm and could be savvy. 


4. How did the investigators explain Roseto's state of healthiness?

They had community and they came from the same place.


9. What are these:

The people who came before us and where we come from do matter.  

There are “. . . hidden advantages and extraordinary opportunities and cultural legacies”  that influence successful people.  

It makes a difference when we were born.  

There is no such thing as a “self-made man.”

Four of Gladwell's arguments in chapter one. 


14. Name the three unique opportunities that came Bill Joy's way at the University of Michigan?

He attended the University of Michigan where he was able to practice on a time-sharing computer system. 

The University of Michigan’s computer system had a bug in it that allowed Joy unlimited access.  

The Computer Center at the University of Michigan had the Financial means and desire to keep the computer lab open twenty-four hours a day. 


19. What analogy does Gladwell use to illustrate the concept that there is a threshold for intelligence, that there is a point where people are "smart enough"?

He talks about the height of basketball players.


24. Finish the following phrase: "Practical intelligence" is NOT like having...

Common sense


5. What does Gladwell say is his main purpose for his book?

He wants to redefine success in the same way that Stewart Wolf redefined health.


10. Gladwell states at first that "Canadian hockey is a meritocracy," but then goes on to discuss other criteria for success in hockey, arguing that it is not a true meritocracy. "Meritocracy" means...

People are selected on the basis of their ability.


13. Name the four examples Gladwell uses to illustrate the 10,000 hour-rule.

The Beatles, Bill Joy, violinists, and Bill Gates.


20. What was Terman's misconception in his original theory concerning IQ?

That intelligence and achievement are linked.


25. According to Gladwell, the attitudes and skills that develop "practical intelligence" tend to come from...

Our parents & siblings.