End of Line
General Knowledge
PA and their Backup(s)

When you scan a csX, what is the next thing you should do?

Read your screen


What is the maximum weight a trailer being loaded can be?



When parking a pallet jack under a pallet, what should you do to ensure you avoid a safety incident?

Turn the handle sideways


What is needed to be able to cross a pit lane?

A Vest and a purpose.


WHO runs Jackpot phase 2?

Raph and Darwin


If you are scanning a csX and the destination of the sticker does NOT match the destination printed on the box, what do you do?

Put it to the side for problem solve (in DP) or take the destination sticker off and throw it back on the line.


Besides gloves, what is a necessity when stacking in a truck?

Hard hat and safety shoes.


When you find a random box sitting on the floor outside a dock door, what should you do with it?

If you see it fall off of a conveyor, you can put it back on that line. Otherwise you put it on a problem solve pallet so a problem solver can look into it.

If you ever get lost in the building, what is one thing you can look for to help you find your way to a safe place?

The Green Mile


Who runs Fluid Load?

Katie and Asher.


How should you open a pallet in Jackpot phase two?

In your scanner, you click into "Create pallet by barcode", then you scan the pallet bottom into the placard.


When a truck door closes, what should the stacker be doing?

Downstacking the totes until either their door opens or they run out of room.


What does a sweeper do?

Generates a sweep every hour, makes sure all the cases and totes that are supposed to go to that dock door actually make it there, and then when a door is closing, they scan the stuff that will NOT make it to that destination on that truck off.


When would a sweeper get a webhook?

When they did not sweep a door less than an hour before a door closed.


Name the shipclerks!

Dominic and Monica


Oh no! You've scanned a box that says "parent container closed". What do you do?!

Put it in the designated problem solve area and let your problem solver(s) know your issue.


What fluid load doors require hand scanners to stack in them?

Dock doors 6, 7, 21, and 22.


What time is last break?



What does VRID stand for?

Vehicle Run Identification.


What PA and Back up are responsible for quality?

Julysa and Sosa


True or False: It is okay to reach under a conveyor to pick up a box.

FALSE, unless you are jams trained and have permission to use jams pole, you can NOT reach under and grab the cases that have fallen under the conveyors.


How do you know when you can enter a trailer to stack?

TDR brought the door in fully, the sheet outside the door is green signaling the door is open, the conveyor is inside of the dock door, and the light from the fan is angled inside of the trailer.

Where would a pallet with "Eaches" tape go?



Where do you take damages, after the problem solver has "damaged them out"?

The PS PA area to the AA doing damages. (Damages Gatekeeper)


Who is the PA and back up for Problem solve?

Ray and Miranda