Economic Analysis
Economic Analysis 2
Outcomes Research Miscellaneous
Outcomes Research- Types
Economic application in Dietetics Practice
What type of costs are a LARGE part of the costs for nutrition interventions?
What are Personnel Costs.
State the three ways of relating cost to outcomes?
What is ratio, net benefit (or net effectiveness), and array?
These types of significance should be reported in the results of outcomes research.
What are clinical and statistical?
Monetary implications of nutrition interventions are represented in which category (type) of outcomes?
What are cost outcomes?
If a benefit of $5 million from an investment of $1 million is a 1:5 cost benefit ratio. How would this be reported in terms of net benefit?
What is $ 4 million?
What are the differences between direct, indirect and intangible costs?
Direct costs include resources consumed in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of a disease Indirect Costs are related to the value of patients' or clients' time associated with receiving the service or experiencing its consequences. Time lost from work and lost productivity. Intangible costs are related to the fear, grief, worry and pain experienced by patients, clients and family members. Difficult to measure.
Describe an opportunity cost.
What is the value that would have been gained if the resource had been used for one intervention versus another?
Another name for outcomes research.
What is outcomes and effectiveness research?
"A change in status attributable to antecedent care"
What are outcomes?
How does a registered dietitian determine cost of services provided? By applying a _______ _________
What is Cost analysis:
What does QALY stand for?
What is quality-adjusted life year?
The definition of net benefit is....
What is the net gain when the monetary value of all resources consumed is subtracted from the total estimate of cost savings (benefit)?
These outcomes occur directly follow a nutritional intervention and can lead to further clinical, cost, and patient outcomes.
What are nutrition care outcomes?
Consequences of MNT or TPN interventions are examples of which category (type) of outcome?
What are nutrition care outcomes?
What were the results of the Sikand study of MNT vs lipid drug therapy for a sample of adults with hypercholesterolemia used for?
Used to influence payment/reimbursement policies for MNT.
What is the definition of marginal cost?
The cost of providing a little more or a little less of the intervention.
Before drawing conclusions, sensitivity analysis must be considered. This analysis checks the "robustness" of your conclusions." What does this mean?
What is conclusion holds up under various assumptions?
One reason why restrospective study designs present challenges in outcomes research.
What is potential archivist bias OR unaccounted confounding factors at the time of the original study.
Until recently, satisfaction with care was not measured under this or any category.
What are patient outcomes?
List the three components of the second step of economic analysis (defining the framework for analysis):
What is perspectives, alternatives, and time horizon.
CEA and CBA are tools to provide more information about nutrition care and its cost and effectiveness. What is the difference between these two?
Cost-Effective Analysis (CEA) → an outcome/effect is measured and reported in natural units (lbs., %, proportions) Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)- Important outcomes are measured in or converted to monetary units (dollars)
Why might a net-benefit or net effectiveness value be more useful than a ratio when relating costs to outcomes in step 5?
What is it communicates the magnitude of resources at stake and can be applied more directly to budget planning?
This study design is the most powerful in detecting a causal relationship in outcomes research.
What is a prospective study design?
A change in the severity and/or signs and symptoms of a condition are categorized under this.
What are clinical outcomes?
Name all the steps in an economic analysis?
Step 1: State the objective step 2: Define the framework step 3: determine costs step 4:determine outcomes step 5: relate costs to outcomes step 6: Interpret and use the results