
1. Emma's cakes taste ____ (good) with cream on top.
2. It's ____ (difficult) to drive these old cars.
3. The city center is  ____ (busy) on Saturdays.
4. Sue feels ____ (bad) than she did yesterday.
5. I can see the island ____ (clearly) now when it's stopped raining.

1. Emma's cakes taste BETTER with cream on top.
2. It's MORE DIFFICULT to drive these old cars.
3. The city center is  BUSIER on Saturdays.
4. Sue feels WORSE than she did yesterday.
5. I can see the island MORE CLEARLY now when it's stopped raining.


1. They don't have a very wide select/selection there, but it's cheaper.
2. I often buy things from that website and they are always very rely/reliable.
3. Could you recommend/recommendation a good place to buy shoes?
4. They don't charge anything to deliver/delivery your order.
5. I need to get some new boots. These ones are really comfortable/uncomfortable.

1. They don't have a very wide SELECTION there, but it's cheaper.
2. I often buy things from that website and they are always very RELIABLE.
3. Could you RECOMMEND a good place to buy shoes?
4. They don't charge anything to DELIVER your order.
5. I need to get some new boots. These ones are really UNCOMFORTABLE.


Listen to the audio (2.1WB - up to 1:25 ) and answer the question:

'What are they talking about'?

They are talking about the problem of compulsive shopping.


Describe as many things as possible.


1. As a good businesswoman, she always ____ (try) to give her customers what they want.
2. I ____ (buy) this jacket in a second hand shop last weekend.
3. I'm very busy because I ____ (do) a couse every night after work at the moment.
4. They didn't go shopping as they ____ (be) very tired.
5. I ____ (give) that presentation on time management on Friday.

1. As a good businesswoman, she always TRIES to give her customers what they want.
2. I BOUGHT this jacket in a second hand shop last weekend.
3. I'm very busy because I AM DOING a couse every night after work at the moment.
4. They didn't go shopping as they WERE very tired.
5. I AM GIVING that presentation on time management on Friday.


1. I can't explain - it's very c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d.
2. My laptop is easy to carry around because it's very l _ _ _t.
3. I wore t _ _ _ k woolly socks to keep my feet warm.
4. She only made one ring like this, so it's u _ _ _ _ e.
5. I took it back to the shop because it was d _ _ _ _ _ d.

1. I can't explain - it's very COMPLICATED.
2. My laptop is easy to carry around because it's very LIGHT.
3. I wore THICK woolly socks to keep my feet warm.
4. She only made one ring like this, so it's UNIQUE.
5. I took it back to the shop because it was DAMAGED.


Listen to the audio (1.2Wb) and answer the question:
'What does Megan do?'

She's a firefighter.


Compliment the person in the picture.


1. do/ what / do / you ?
2. have / you / weekend / did / a / nice ?
3. are / meeting / what / you / tomorrow / Maria / time ?
4. long / last / did / how / the / meeting?
5. do / want / you / me / it / to / wrap?

1. What do you do?
2. Did you have a nice weekend?
3. What time are you meeting Maria tomorrow?
4. How long did the meeting last?
5. Do you want me to wrap it?


fee, wide, bid, reduced, dropped

1. The shop is huge and they have a ____ selection of clothes to choose from.
2. We can bring the order to your door if you pay a small delivery ____.
3. I ____ the tray and broke all the cups.
4. All the clothes have been ____ in price because they're in the sale.
5. How much did you ____ for the painting at the auction?

1. The shop is huge and they have a WIDE selection of clothes to choose from.
2. We can bring the order to your door if you pay a small delivery FEE.
3. I DROPPED the tray and broke all the cups.
4. All the clothes have been REDUCED in price because they're in the sale.
5. How much did you BID for the painting at the auction?


Listen and write the six sentences you hear. (Audio 13)

1. It doesn't really suit me.
2. Do you have anything a bit bigger?
3. It's not as good as my old one.
4. What did you think of it?
5. I'm thinking of buying it.
6. I work late most nights.


Talk about your dream job.


1. The instructions were really difficult to follow so I asked for help.
- I asked for help because _______ the intructions very well (UNDERSTAND).

2. The internet connection at work is faster than mine here.
- The internet connection I have here is ________ it is at work (FAST).

3. I've got an appointment at the dentist's tomorrow. 
- I _______ the dentist's tomorrow (GOING).

1. The instructions were really difficult to follow so I asked for help.
- I asked for help because I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND the intructions very well.

2. The internet connection at work is faster than mine here.
- The internet connection I have here is NOT AS FAST AS it is at work.

3. I've got an appointment at the dentist's tomorrow. 
- I AM GOING AT the dentist's tomorrow.


1. arrange/go to                              a. my own company
2. train / need                                 b. a project
3. apply for/ lose                             c. a new part
4. order/ install                               d. a contract
5. negotiate/ sign                            e. a job
6. work on/ manage                         f. a sofa
7. run/ start                                    g. an appointment
8. buy / lie on                                  h. staff

1. arrange/ go to an appointment
2. train / need staff
3. apply for/ loose a job
4. order/ install a new part
5. negotiate/ sign a contract
6. work on/ manage a project
7. run/ start my own company
8. buy/ lie on a sofa


Listen and write the eight sentences you hear (Audio 5).

1. You need to make an appointment.
2. Staff only get very basic training.
3. It's hard to keep good staff.
4. I need to pass a test in English.
5. I'm phoning because my train's delayed.
6. She's now the head of her department.
7. It depends on the day.
8. They really need to develop a new policy.




I am at college and I 1) ____ (train) to become a software developer. I 2) _____ (really like) the course and I 3) ______ (do) quite well. Last week we 4) _____ (learn) how to install all the software on a computer. It's quite complicated, but I 5) _____ (pass) the test with 90%. Every weekend I 6) _____ (work) in a cafe in town. I mainly 7) _____ (make) coffees and teas, but I sometimes 8) _____  (help) in the kitchen. It's OK to get some money, but I _____ (want) to find a job in an IT company to get some experience. Last week I 10) _____  (have) an interview, but I 11) _____ (not get) the job. The college 12) _____ (ogranise) a meeting with several IT companies next month so maybe I'll find something then.

I am at college and I AM TRAINING to become a software developer. I REALLY LIKE the course and I AM DOING quite well. Last week we LEARNT how to install all the software on a computer. It's quite complicated, but I PASSED the test with 90%. Every weekend I WORK in a cafe in town. I mainly MAKE coffees and teas, but I sometimes HELP in the kitchen. It's OK to get some money, but I WANT to find a job in an IT company to get some experience. Last week I HAD an interview, but I DIDN'T GET the job. The college IS ORGANISING a meeting with several IT companies next month so maybe I'll find something then.


Last week I 1) br______ my laptop. It was my own 2) fau______ because I was late and so I was in a 3) ru______. I didn't close my bag properly so the laptop 4) dr______ out of it as I ran across the road, and a car went over the computer! It was so badly 5)da______, I lost everything on it. It's a big problem bacause I'm 6) at______ a conference next month and I'm 7) gi______ a presentation, so I really need a compter. A friend 8) re______ a website and I was really lucky because they had lots of things on 9) sa______. I bought a really nice laptop that was 10) re______ by 300$.

Last week I BROKE my laptop. It was my own FAULT because I was late and so I was in a RUSH. I didn't close my bag properly so the laptop DROPPED out of it as I ran across the road, and a car went over the computer! It was so badly DAMAGED, I lost everything on it. It's a big problem bacause I'm ATTENDING a conference next month and I'm GIVING a presentation, so I really need a compter. A friend RECOMMENDED a website and I was really lucky because they had lots of things on SALE. I bought a really nice laptop that was REDUCED by 300$.


Listen and write the eight sentences you hear (Audio 12).

1. I missed the last class.
2. They increased sales.
3. For the last several years...
4. Ask for a receipt.
5. We need to rush to the station.
6. Make sure you wear a smart shirt.
7. They've got a good selection of shoes.
8. They've got an efficient delivery service.


Talk about your bad shopping experience.