Rock Climbing
First Aid
What is a grade?
Numerical system to describe the technical difficulty level of a climbing route
Name 3 things you should take with you into a cave
head lamp, backup light source, helmet, clothes that can get muddy
What does LNT stand for?
Leave No Trace
What should you do when you get home from a camping trip? And find the mistake in tent set up in picture 1:
Clean/dry out gear Tent is set up too close to the fire
Look at poison ivy picture 1- is this poison ivy? Why or why not?
No it is not. The leaves all meet at the same spot. Poison ivy's lead leaf has a longer stem.
What is the difference between a static and dynamic rope, and which do you climb on?
You climb on dynamic rope because it has stretch to absorb the impact of a fall. Static rope has no stretch
What is the name of the disease affecting bats, which has killed more than 5.7 million bats in Eastern North America?
White Nose Syndrome
Name 2 ways you can be respectful of other hikes, campers, rock climbers, and cavers?
Keep noise down, don't leave a trace of your presence,
Name 10 things you should take on a camping trip and find the tent setup mistake in picture 2
The tent is not staked down
Which type of fabric is usually not recommended for outdoor adventures? Why?
Cotton keeps moisture (from the inside-sweat and the outside-rain) right up against your skin and loses it’s insulating properties when wet. Thus the saying, “Cotton Kills”
What type of knot did we use to tie our harness to the belay line? Tie it
Figure 8 follow through
Do Troglobites or Trogloxenes live their whole lives in a cave?
Troglobites live their whole lives in caves, they could not survive outside of a cave. Trogloxenes just use caves for sleeping, nesting, or shelter word origin: Greek- Troglobites: Troglo=cave Bios= life Trogloxenes: Troglo=cave xenos: guest
Why does LNT advocate for not bringing home things you find like feathers, cool rocks, fossils, etc.?
next person can’t enjoy it, has a role in it’s environment, historical significance
What is a switchback and what is it’s purpose? Find the tent set up mistake in picture 3
A Switchback is when a trail is built in a zigzag manner up a hill to prevent erosion Tent sides are not staked out, so rain fly is touching the tent body. which would lead to leaks if it rained.
What foods should you eat 24 hours before exercise? Why?
Foods and fluids which promote hydration- fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates
What is the 4 line call and response between a climber and belayer before a climb starts?
Climber: On belay? Belayer: Belay on. Climber: Climbing? Belayer: Climb on.
Name 4 ways to Leave No Trace while caving?
• Avoid disturbing cave organisms or their environment. • Pack out everything you bring with you, and any trash you find. • Do not smoke or light fires in caves or near their entrances. • Do not damage formations or other surfaces of the cave. • Most caving trips are short enough that you can avoid relieving yourself underground. However, when you must relieve yourself, do so in an appropriate container or containers, and remove the waste from the cave. Not doing so forces the next caver to encounter it; even more importantly, your waste can affect the delicate ecosystems that exist in the cave.
What is a durable surface, why should you camp/hike on one, and name 2 durable surfaces
A surface that can remain stable when tread upon Camp/hike on durable surfaces to minimize impact Rock, gravel, sand, ice, snow, dry grass
Name 3 things that influence the difficulty level of a hike, and find the tent set up mistake in picture 4(100 points each)
Things that affect the difficulty level of a hike: • elevation gain and loss • tread type • weather • natural rewards Tent set up mistake- the ground cloth is sticking out from under the tent, which would funnel water under the tent in rain
Name two characteristics of poison ivy, and two things that are not characteristics of poison ivy
Poison Ivy has longer stem on lead leaf, sometimes shiny and red/orange, climbs straight up a tree, some leaves have notches, some do not. Poison Ivy does not have thorns, have any groups of leaves with more than 3 leaves, wrap around a tree, have saw tooth edges
What are the 5 qualities of a safe anchor? Hint: Acronym SERENE
Solid, Equalized, Redundant, Efficient and No Extension
Name 5 safety procedures to follow while caving
• Learn safe caving skills from responsible cavers. • Tell someone on the surface of your plans. • Ask permission from the cave owner. • Be properly dressed and equipped. • Know your limits, rest frequently, and watch for fatigue in others. • Let the slowest caver set the pace. • After negotiating a tricky obstacle, remain there until the next team member arrives, and offer help. Do not be reluctant to offer, ask for, or accept help. • Responsible caving is a team activity and not a competition. Responsible cavers think and act as a unit underground to ensure a safe trip. The actions or attitude of a single member can jeopardize the safety of the whole team.
Name 5 of the seven leave no trace principles: (100 points each)
1.Plan ahead and prepare 2. Travel and Camp on durable surfaces 3. Dispose of waste properly 4. Leave what you find 5. Minimize campfire impacts 6. Respect Wildlife 7. Be considerate of other visitors
What should you look for when gathering firewood? What is a good fire starter? And find the tent mistake in picture 5
firewood- look for dead, down wood, according to LNT- smaller than your wrist Tent mistake in picture 5- don't have food in your tent
What is RICE therapy? What is it used for?
a. Rest b. Ice for 20 minutes every hour c. Compression d. Elevate above the heart Used for sprains, strains- soft tissue injuries