
What are some things you should pack if you are going camping, to help keep you safe?

Water, sunscreen, first aid kit and charged cell phone


What is an allergy?

An allergy is a condition that causes a reaction to a certain material or food, etc.


It is hot outside and the sun is shining! What should you bring to school with you?

Water, sunglasses hat and sunscreen

A person you don't know asks you to come with them while on the street. What do you do?

You don't know them! They are a stranger. Do not follow them and tell a trusted adult immediately what has happened. 


Should you pet strangers animals?

No! You don't know them or know how they will react to a new person. 


What clothing should you wear while camping?

Layers, sweaters, socks, proper hiking boots, hats 


What are some examples of allergies?

Bee stings, peanuts, soy, eggs, dairy, gluten, medicine


Brrr! It is winter and it is -10 degrees outside and snowing. What should you bring to school with you?

Boots, scarf, hat, snowpants, jacket, mittens, extra mittens or socks if they get wet. 


You are at the park and find a sharp object on the ground. What do you do?

Do NOT pick it up. Tell a trusted adult so that they can call park services to come and clean up the objects. 

You are going camping and have food with you. Where should you put it when you are sleeping and not at the campsite?

Lock it in a tight container and make sure it is away from where animals might not get at it. 


What should you do if you get lost while camping?

Bring a whistle and blow it, and don't panic! Always tell someone where you are going so they know where to look for you. 


What might happen is someone has an allergic reaction? What is this called?

It is called ANAPHYLAXIS. Itchiness, rashes, swelling, difficulty breathing, redness, dizzy, aches, throwing up are some of the reactions. 


You are at an outdoor soccer game and it starts thundering and you see flashes of light. What should you do? 

Stop playing immediately. Go to your car or a shelter. Stay away from metal objects, open spaces and do NOT stand under a tree. 


How do you safely cross a street?

Look both ways before crossing and wait for the walk signal. make eye contact with the drivers and make sure you cross when all of the cars are stopped. Look out for parked cars in parking lots and in driveways. Hold an adult's hand. 


You see a sick or hurt animal on the sidewalk. What should you do?

Call animal control services. Do not pick up or touch the animal. You do not know if it has any diseases. 


Should you feed wild animals?

No! You don't know if they can be aggressive!


What do you do if someone has an allergic reaction?

Tell an adult and have them call 911 right away! They might also have to use an epi-pen. 


Mario wants to ride his bike around the neighbourhood while listening to music. Is this a good idea?

No, Mario should not be listening to music. This is so that he can pay attention to traffic, cars and pedestrians and avoid getting hit, or hitting someone


You are playing outside with a ball and it rolls onto the street. What do you do?

Tell an adult and get them to grab it. With supervision and permission, look both ways for oncoming cars and carefully grab the ball. Do not reach under a car if your ball is located there. 


You see someone with low vision using a guide dog. Should you go up and touch it?

No. This dog is helping the person with low vision see and responsible for their safety. Petting a guide dog is distracting it from doing its job. 


If you run out of food, should you eat anything that looks edible?

No! It could be poisonous!


What are some things we can do to make sure those with allergies do not experience anaphylaxis?

Carry an epi-pen, avoid certain foods and don't bring them to school, never share food


What should you ALWAYS wear if you are bike riding, on a scooter, skate-boarding or roller blading?



What are some things you should keep in mind if you walk to and from school?

Go directly to school and home. Try to take the same route in case something happens, people will know where to find you. Look both ways when crossing streets. Use sidewalks. 


Should you feed wild animals?

No! They might attack you, or what you are feeding them might hurt them too!