recite the outdoor code
as an American, I will do my best to be clean in my outdoor manners, be careful with fire, be considerate in the outdoors, and be conservation-minded.
what do you do when you see an animal?
observe. only use your eyes-- don't touch it, don't scream at it.
what do you sharpen a knife with
a whetstone
what do you start & end a lashing with
clove hitch
what is the best kind of fruit
STRAWBERRIES (or anything red)
What should you do when you encounter other visitors on camp?
Respect them, give them privacy, be considerate.
what does a compass point to?
magnetic north
how to receive a knife from somebody
eye contact, say thank you
up the lake, around the tree, down the lake. what is this knot
is tomorrow mardi gras
yes, cuz its 40 days from easter
what are the three types of fire building
cabin, lean to, and teepee
how do you use the restroom on the trail
place your backpack down, go to a secluded area with a buddy. dig a hole 2.
what is au as represented in the periodic table
given an example of a way to rescue someone from the water
human chain line thing, bowline, jump in and grab them, life vest, rings
when did America gain its independence
july 4 1776
what does it mean to be conservation minded
learn about and practice good conservation of soil, water, forests, and wildlife
hot soapy water, warm rinse water, cold bleach tablet
what are the continents of Earth
anartica, north america, south america, asia, africa, europe, australia
what does it mean to be a leader
whats the biggest country in asia
what are the seven points of leave no trace?
1. plan ahead and prepare 2. travel and camp on durable surfaces 3. dispose of waste properly 4. leave what you find 5. minimize campfire impacts 6. respect wildfire 7. be considerate of other visitors
say hi in another language
what does it mean to be a scout?
no correct answer
what does it mean to uphold the scout oath, law, slogan, and scout motto
no correct answer
what does piano mean in terms of music theory
play softly