Outdoor Hygiene
Basic First Aid
Bear Aware
Public Land around Butte
What to Wear

What should everyone do before cooking, eating a meal or going to the bathroom?

What is washing your hands? 


What is one way you can prevent the formation of blisters?

What is wearing comfortable shoes?

Wool socks

mole skin

recognize the feeling of hot spots

tapping problem areas on your feet

DON't get pedicures  


What is the best defense from a bear attack? 

What is Bear Spray?


What is the national forest that surrounds Butte America? 

What is the Beaverhead-deerlodge national forest?

What is the warmest natural fiber?
What is Wool?

What is one way to treat water while camping?

What is boiling water? 



Aquamira (Chlorine) 

UV Light.


What should you do about ticks after a walk in the woods?

What is scan full body for ticks and remove the entire tick including the head from body with tweezers or by hand. 


Where should you store food and "smelly" items while camping? 

What is a bear-proof container 100 feet down wind from camp?


What does BLM stand for 

What is the Bureau of Land Management? 

What is a great fabric for hiking in the desert?

What is cotten?


How do you bathe in backcountry settings?

What is using baby wipes? 

According to LNT principles using ANY soaps can be harmful aquatic life in natural bodies of water. 


What kind of shoes should you wear while cooking in a camp setting?

What is close-toed shoes?


What is the best way to prevent a bear attack while walking on a trail? 

What is making loud noises, particularly in wooded areas?


What are the municipal park/forest service trail systems outside of Butte that include the train tunnels?

What is Thompson Park?
How should you layer in cold temperatures?

What is wearing moisture-wicking layers close to the body, insulating layers next finished off with a wind/waterproof layer?

What should you about bringing deodorant or smell good cleaning products?

What is leave them at Home!


How should you take care of an open wound 

What is cleaning it out, sterilizing the area, bandaging, and monitoring it closely?

Always use potable water and make sure no foreign bodies are in the wound. 


If you are being attacked by a bear what is the best position you can put your body in to prevent lethal injuries. 

What is, protecting your neck with your hands and keeping your pack on while in a crouched position?


name a national battlefield close to Butte

What is the Battle of Bighole?

What kind of socks will keep your feet dry?
What are dry, wool socks?

How do you use the bathroom in the woods? 

What is use a trowel?


What should you do when treating a cold injury?

What is, warm appendage slowly and rapidly evacuate the patient?


How can you tell the difference between a black bear and a grizzly bear?

What is the shape of their faces, lack of hump on the backs, and curvature of paws? 

What percentage of Yellowstone National Park lies within the Montana border?

What is 4%


What is a waterproof fabric that is famous for being breathable?

What is Gore-tex?