Sun Safety
Bike Safety
Outdoor Activities
Outdoor Activities

Before going outside in the summer you should always make sure you are wearing this.

What is sunscreen.


These help you balance when learning to ride a bike. 

What are training wheels.


When biking, rollerblading, or skating this will protect you from head injuries. 

What is a helmet. 


This is important to stay safe while being outdoors. 

What is dressing for the weather. 


This should not be sprayed on near any open flame because it can be flammable.

What is aerosol bug spray.


The hours between 10am -3:00pm are known as what.

What are the peak hours - when the sun is the strongest. 


To turn left on your bike, this is the hand signal. 

What is having your left arm straight out. 


Wearing a helmet when sledding just makes you look silly and doesn't help protect you because snow is soft.  

What is false. It can help safe your life. 


When swimming or participating in activities around the water, this is essential in keeping you safe. 

What is supervision. NEVER SWIM ALONE!!


This type of clothing should not be worn when near a campfire or firepit.

What is loose fitting over sized.


If you tan but don’t burn, you don’t need to bother with sun protection. This is what. 

What is a myth or false. 


Before you go on a bike ride you should always do this.

What is check your bike - bike brakes, pedals,etc. to make sure it is working. 


After a crash, you should do this with your helmet. 

What is inspect it and see if it needs to be replaced. Bike helmets should be replaced after an accident. 


If you are in the woods or on a trail and become lost, you should do these 3 things. 

What is:

-  stay calm, 

- stay put, 

- send a loud, or visible signal for help (e.g. whistle, flags, etc. )


If your clothes do catch fire you should do this.

What is STOP, DROP and ROLL!


Sunlight consists of two types of harmful rays.

What are UVA and UVB rays - UVA rays penetrate deep into the skin and can prematurely age your skin, causing wrinkles, age spots and potentially skin cancer.  UVB rays are the primary cause of a sunburn


The law in Massachusetts. 

What is wearing a helmet when riding a bike if you are under the age of 16. 


The amount of room that should be between your chin and the chin strap.

What is no more than one finger width. 


These are examples of rules to keep people safe on playgrounds. 

What are using the equipment properly, no pushing, no crowding others, no necklaces, scarves, purses or drawstrings on clothing


These are the cause of burns especially to children each year.  

What are fireworks/sparklers?


If you are going to be outside for a long period of time, remember to do this. 

What is seek shade, wear protective clothing, a hat, and sunscreen. 


When riding you should watch for these four things. 

What are pedestrians, cars, road signs, hazards ( bumps) 


Wearing a helmet reduces your risk of a brain injury by this percent. 

What is 88%. 


If you are outside and it starts to storm, you should do these things (3): 

What is seek shelter, move away from water, and trees, and not touch anything metal ( e.g fences) 


Each year thousands of children are injured when near outdoor fires, grills and outdoor heating devices. What are 2 rules to follow to be safe when you are outside this summer?

Don't horseplay near flames.

Know your surrounding at all times. Be aware!

Don't play with matches, lighter or flames.

Get permission or be supervised by adults