Small Details
“I was kind of strict to my stomach and sort of groggy.” What does the word groggy mean?
Dazed, weak, unsteady
How does what the doctor first says foreshadow Johnny’s condition?
What the doctor first says foreshadows Johnny's condition by saying "it can't hurt now" which means that Johnny isn't going to be alive for much longer.
What color are Cherry's eyes?
Who says, “I’m scared stiff. I used to think about killing myself.”
What kind of boys did Cherry go for?
Boys who were bound for trouble, bad boys
“It was a jet-handled switchblade, ten inches long, that would flash open at a mere breath.” What is the meaning of the word mere?
Nothing more than, small
What two things does Johnny ask Ponyboy to do for him while Johnny is still in the hospital?
Hair grease and Gone with the Wind
What does Cherry tell Two-Bit about the fight and who did she get the information from?
“They play your way. No weapons, fair deal. Your rules.” Cherry got her information from Randy.
Who says, “It was your fault. Always running around in the middle of the night getting jailed and heaven knows what else,”?
Johnny's mom
Besides Two Bit and Ponyboy, who else came to visit Dally?
Tim Shepard
“Two-Bit knew what I meant, but doggedly pretended not to.” What does doggedly mean?
Persistently, with strong determination
Why didn’t Johnny want to die anymore?
Sixteen years wasn't long enough to live
Why won’t Cherry see Johnny?
Even though it was self-defense, Johnny still killed her boyfriend.
Which one of these quotes is an idiom and why? A) “Kid, you scared the devil out of me.” B) “Hey, can you see the sunset real good from the West Side?”
A. Scare the devil out of someone means to frighten them badly.
What is something Ponyboy can’t stand to see?
Girls crying
“It was the reward of two hours of walking aimlessly around a hardware store to divert suspicion.” What is the meaning of divert?
To turn away from, change direction from
Two-Bit hands over his prized switchblade to Dally without hesitation. What does that show us about their relationship?
Two-Bit trusts Dally and by handing over the switchblade without hesitation shows us that the Greaser guys will do anything for each other.
Why did Ponyboy understand Cherry when she said Bob wasn’t just anyone?
He knows she saw the same thing in Dallas.
What literary device is the quote “Tonight—I don’t like it one bit.”
Why does Ponyboy say Cherry is a traitor to her own kind and not loyal to the Greasers?
Cherry is a spy for the Socs but also refuses to see Johnny even though she says he only killed Bob out of self defence.
“Don’t you ever try to give us handouts and then feel high and mighty about it.” What does handouts mean in this sentence?
Something, usually free, given to someone in need
Two-Bit’s statement “The only thing that keeps Darry from being a Soc is us” (p. 111). What does he mean?
If Darry had not been left in charge of his brothers then he would have gone to college, gotten an education, a job, and been able to make money to get out of his economic situation.
What does Cherry mean when she says Bob "wasn't just anyone"?
Cherry means when she says Bob "wasn't just anyone" by that Bob had something that made people follow him and that he had something that marked him different than other Socs.
Explain the quote: “We could get along without anyone but Johnny.”
Ponyboy and Two-bit thinks they couldn't get along without Johnny because he's the gang's pet. The gang looks out for him and takes care of him, and they wouldn't be able to get along without Johnny being there.
What did Tim Shepard do to Dally just last week?
Tim cracked three of Dally's ribs