Character descriptions
Important Events
Cause & Effect

They're is a character in "The Outsiders" who demonstrates loyalty to his friends and family, particularly his brothers. He also exhibits a positive attitude in challenging circumstances, striving to find the good in people even during tough times. His perseverance and compassionate way of carrying oneself makes him a standout character in the story. Who is this?

Ponyboy Curtis.


When Johnny was is the hospital, who came to visit him that most people didn't expect to show up?

Johnny's mom showed up.


"Stay gold Ponyboy" Who said this?

Johnny Cade


Define dumbfounded

Struck dumb, astonishment, surprised.


Johnny dying because of his broken back

Dally commits cop suicide.


They're a character in "The Outsiders" who is known for his quiet and sensitive nature. Despite facing tough situations, he shows bravery and loyalty to his friends. His actions and decisions throughout the story reveals his caring and selfless personality. Who is this?

Johnny Cade.


What happens right after Johnny killing Bob?

They run to Dally for help and they get provided with instructions and supplies such as money for food and a weapon for protection.


"Get smart and nothing can touch you." Who said this?

Dally Winston


Define ruefully.

In a manner of expressing pain and sarrow.


Both Johnny and Dally dying.

Ponyboy's grades go down and he is depressed.


They're a character in "The Outsiders" who comes off as tough and rebellious. Underneath that exterior, he shows a deep loyalty to his friends, especially when they need him the most. His actions reveal a complex mix of toughness and caring for those he holds dear. Who is this.

Dally Winston.


Why did Dally commit cop suicide?

He did it because Johnny was his favorite and couldn't bare without him.


"Maybe the two worlds we lived weren't so different. We saw the same sunset."

Cherry Valance


Define unfathomable.

Impossible to understand.


Johnny and Pony over sleeping at the parking lot and Pony going back home to a slap to the face. What happens because of this?

Johnny and Pony ran away and Johnny killing Bob because they get jumped.


They're a character in "The Outsiders" who's known for his sense of humor and love of teasing. Despite his playful nature, he also shows a protective and supportive side towards his friends, standing by them when they face challenges. His witty remarks and caring actions make him a memorable character in the story. Who is this?

Two-Bit Matthews.


How many children were in the church fire?

There were four/five children the church.


"If we don't have each other, we don't have anything." Who said this?

Sodapop Curtis


Define apprehensive.

In fear or dread of possible.


Pony's ELA teacher wanted him to write an essay, but Ponyboy wasn't doing it, so Darry yelled at him, so what did Pony write?

He wrote The Outsiders.


They're a character in "The Outsiders" who is recognized for her kind and understanding nature. She demonstrates empathy towards others, even those from different social groups, showing a willingness to see beyond stereotypes. Her actions reveal a compassionate and open-minded personality in the story. Who is this?

Cherry Valance.


In the Outsiders why does Two-Bit steal?

Two-Bit likes the challenge and has fun while stealing.


"Ain't nobody gonna call the fuzz in this neighborhood! Cause they know better!" Who said this?



Define grimace.

A facial expression usually of disgust, disapproval, or pain.


Johnny saves children from a church fire.

He becomes a hero on the local news.