Greasers vs Socs
Chapter 1 &2
Chapters 3 &4
Chapters 5 &6
Chapter 7 & 8
Identify Darry, Soda, and Ponyboy
They are orphaned brothers who live alone on the East Side. They are "Greasers" members of a gang of friends who look out for each other.
Who did Dally, Johnny, and Ponyboy meet at the Nightly Double
Cherry and Marcia, two Soc girls
After talking with Cherry, what reason does Pony finally give for the separation between Greasers and Socs?
It's not money, it's feeling. You don't feel anything and we feel too violently.
Why was Pony upset about getting his haircut?
"It was my pride.....Our hair labeled us Greasers, too--it was our trademark. The one thing we were proud of. Maybe we couldn't have Corvairs or madras shirts, but we could have hair.
What additional problem did the three brothers face after Pony's return?
They faced the possibility of being separated into foster homes.
How are Greasers different from Socs
Greasers are from the east side of town. They are poor and usually in trouble with the law. Socs are from the west side of town. They come from wealthy families and have fancy cars and parties.
Why were Cherry and Marcia alone at the Drive-in?
The girls had a fight with their boyfriends.
Who were Cherry and Marcia's boyfriends?
Bob and Randy. Two of the Socs who beat up Johnny. Bob had a blue mustang and wore rings.
When Dally finally arrives at the church, what news does he bring?
He tells the boys that the police are looking for them towards Texas. He brings a note from Soda to Pony. He also tells them that the Soc and Greasers are supposed to have a rumble the next night and that Cherry is a spy for the Greasers.
Why wouldn't Cherry go visit Johnny?
He killed Bob...I could never look at the person who killed him.
Who were other members of Pony's gang?
Dally, Soda, Two-Bit, Johnny, Dally and Steve
Pony was somewhat surprised that he was getting along with Cherry and Marcia. Why?
They were Socs; he was a greaser. No Soc girls had even spoken to him except to insult him.
Why didn't the Socs and Greasers fight during their first encounter after the movie?
The Socs were interested in getting their girlfriends back. The boys knew the girls did not like fights, so they didn't fight. Also, it helped that the girls went along with them willingly.
What was Johnny's favorite part of Gone With the Wind?
He especially liked the gallant Southern gentlemen. They reminded him of Dally.
Where did Dally take Pony after the rumble?
He took him to the hospital to see Johnny.
What happened to Pony on his way home from the movies?
He was jumped by some Socs. He was not seriously injured because his friends came along and ran off the Socs.
Contrast Dally's approach to Cherry and Marcia with Pony's, and contrast Cherry's response to Dally with her response to Pony.
Dally was rude, crude, foul-mouthed, and annoying to girls. Pony was polite, sensitive and rather soft spoken. Cherry insulted and rejected Dally bu accepted Pony's friendship.
What caused Pony to "run away"?
Darry hit him during an argument over his being late.
Describe Johnny's relationship with his parents.
They ignored him or beat him up all of the time. He wanted them to take a personal interest in him and would have liked to please them, but they don't respond. They don't even ask for Johnny when he disappears after killing Bob.
What advice did Dally give to Pony on the way to the hospital after the rumble?
"You'd better wise up, get tough like me and you don't get hurt. You look out for yourself and nothing can touch you."
What had happened to Johnny prior to the time of the story?
He had been jumped and beaten by a group of Socs who came from a Blue Mustang.
Unscramble the following words. ATNIONFU NOTHIN OPONYYB EBLDOUB LBEAD
What happened to Ponyboy and Johnny at the park?
The Socs in the blue mustang found them. They tried to drown Ponyboy in the fountain. Johnny got scared and stabbed Bob, killing him. The other Socs fled.
What happened when Johnny, Pony, and Dally returned to the church?
The church had caught on fire. Johnny and Pony went in to get some children out of the burning building. Pony got out with minor injuries. Dally went in to get Johnny, who had severe burns and a broken back. Dally came out with Johnny, an injured arm and burns.
What were Johnny's last words to Ponyboy?
"Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold..."