Reading Comp.
"Nothing Gold Can Stay"

What is one major theme in The Outsiders that addresses class differences?

Sterotypes can be broken and overcome


What does the sunset symbolize in the novel? 

The susnset symbolizes common experiences among people despite their differences


Describe how Ponyboy's thoughts on being a greaser change.

In the beginning Ponyboy thinks that being a Greaser is just based on where he lives and his social statue. As the story develops he learns that Socs are also different from the sterotype because they are dealing with struggles too. By the end Ponyboy sees that sterotypes are useless since both gangs share the same feelings and emotions. 


What saves Ponyboy from drowning, and how does this impact the book?

Johnny stabbing Bob saves Ponyboy, and it changes the novel because now they have to live life on the run.


What is the main idea of the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay"?

The main idea of the poem is that nothing good lasts forever, so cherish things while you have them


How does the theme of family manifest in the relationships between the Greasers?

The gang only has each other as their families, so family does not have to be blood related.


Explain the significance of the switchblade as a symbol for the Greasers.

A way of survival in hard situations.


How does Johnny's background influence his actions throughout the story?

Because of his background with his family and the Socs, he is very wary and nervous all of the time.


How is Ponyboy different from the rest of the Greasers?

He likes to read and write and is successful in school.


Explain the symbolism of "gold" in the context of the poem.

Gold is things that are going away too soon- aka spring


Explain how stereotypes affect the characters' actions in the novel.

The characters choose to act based on their sterotype regardless of their true feelings.


How does the Greasers' hair represent their identity?

It is the one thing that all of them have in common and it is what makes them a Greaser. It is their pride.


 Compare and contrast Dally and Darry in terms of their roles in the Greaser gang

Dally is the one that people turn to when they are in a though situation for advice on how to get away with it. He is very rough around the edges and a troublemaker.

Darry is the father figure and wants what is best for his brothers and the Gang. He makes good decisions and provides for everyone. 


Describe the significance of the church in the story.

It is a place where Johnny and Ponyboy have the same hopes and fears, and a place for them to stay safe after the incident in the park.


What is the importance of Johnny's last words to Ponyboy?

Johnny wants Ponyboy to cherish the youth and good qualities that he has left. 

Describe how understanding leads to resolution among the characters.

Ponyboy learns from both Cherry and Randy that their true feelings are not aligned with the Socs actions, and he realizes people are more complex than their social statue.


What do the Socs' cars symbolize in terms of their social status?

It symbolizes their wealth and social status.


What traits define Cherry Valance as a character?

Caring, curious, open-minded.


How does Cherry view the conflict bewteen the Greasers and the Socs?

Cherry thinks that it is pointless and they both have struggles


How does the poem reflect the themes of youth and loss in The Outsiders?

It reflects that Ponyboy and Johnny lost their youth too soon when Johnny killed Bob. They didn't cheris it the way they should have, and it was taken away too soon.


Discuss how the theme of understanding and loyalty is portrayed through the Greaser gang

The Greaser's show loyalty by always showing up for one another, even if it is in a dangerous situtuation.


Analyze the symbolism of Bob's rings and what they represent about his character.

It represents control and power over the Greasers


What does Randy and Ponyboy's conversation reveal to Ponyboy about some of the Socials?

Randy choosing not to participate in the rumble shows Ponyboy that not all Socs are bad, and that they are also struggling with things too.


How does Ponyboy and Darry's relationship change throughout the novel?

Ponyboy realizes that Darry is hard on him because he loves him and wants them to be together. 


 Discuss how the poem connects to the overall message of the novel.

The poem connects to the novel by showing that Ponyboy and Johnny did not cherish their youth while they still had it, and it went away sooner than they thought it would, just like spring.