Steps to Overcoming Fear 1
Steps to Overcoming Fear 2
Steps to Overcoming Fear 3
Steps to Overcoming Fear 4
Steps to Overcoming Fear 5

Step 1- Writing your fears down and how they make you feel. Why is this important?

Looking at things on paper help you see the whole picture, gets it off your chest


Step 1- Let Go of Your Fear, Why? 

Ask yourself-would you miss it, or miss out on something? Is the amount of risk involved worst than the desired outcome?


 A key component to overcoming your fears is to:

Deal with your fears imediately as they come


Change your  "what if thinking" by changing:

Thought pattern from negative to positive


Surround yourself with people who will push you to overcome your_________



Step 2- Helps you to put your fear into context [ see it as it is]. Logically thinking we can ask ourselves:

What is the worst thing that could happen?


Step 2- You could think about the risk involved and come up with ____________.



We need to realize that our fears and ideas are created by our _______________.

Imagination that makes things scarier than what they seem


Count backwards from 5 and just _____ ____

DO IT because if you wait the brain starts to think then you won't do it, by counting backwards you trick your mind


Try role play by visualizing yourself:

Overcoming your fear


Step 3- Think, ask yourself:

What is the possibility  of those fears really happening/


Step 3- Adjust your perspective in other words:

Look at it in a different way


Move towards your fear because:

The closer you move towards your fear the smaller it becomes, remember fears are like the waves on the ocean they come and go


Use humor to take the:

Edge off


Allowing yourself to make mistakes butbeing:

Consistent or resilient in bouncing back up, never stop trying , as Winstin Churchill once said we shall never give up


Step 4- Force yourself to relax by:

Taking deep breaths in through the nose out through the mouth, think of some relaxing place 


Step 4- Meditate and envision:

 Yourself overcoming your fear, think of all the things you could do by not having that fear


Make a list of things you are:

Grateful for, being grateful does wonders for the soul


Reward yourself when you overcome little steps, why/

Because little steps take you a long way in overcoming your fear , they also add up


Success demands failure so:

Take action despite your fear


Step 5- Ready yourself to face your fear. Why would this help?

Nothing works any better than facing your fears


Step 5- Accept the possibility that you might fail so:

Step 6- Practice , Practice, Practice Why?

Bounce right back like a ball, never stop trying till you reach your goal

Get out of your comfort zone, the more you practice the smaller the fear will become


 Excercise because:

It releases chemicals that make us feel better


Another way to overcome our fears is to:

Expose yourself to your fear over and over again, it will diminish each time you do


We need to stop worrying about what we can't control and instead focuson what is:

Within our control to find peace of mind, so let go of what you cannot control