Is the population supposed to increase or decrease?
The more people there are means there are the less ______ there are for others.
With overpopulation what are we burning the most of?
Fossil fuel and oil
Have fewer _____
What are the 2 most populated counties?
China and India
More people mean more demand for_______?
Has the countries in the water scarcity graph stayed the same or drastically changed since 1995?
Drastically changed
Consider ______
What is overpopulation?
When the human population grows to a level that exceeds the earth’s and the natural resources capacity.
What are countries promoting?
To have less children
How many people are experiencing desertification?
Over 500 million
Raise _____ about overpopulation.
List the 2 reasons why population in increasing drastically as stated in the PowerPoint?
Improved medicine
Technology/ medical equipment
In china what children policy did the government create?
Only one kid per couple.
what has overpopulation done to the forest, grasslands and other wilderness areas?
Changed them and destroyed them into farms, pastures, timberlands and mines.
You should ______ yourself about overpopulation.
Within the next 30 years, the world's population is projected?
Increase to 2 billion people
They are offering ____ incentives to families.
People are using ______ of earth’s habitable land.
What should people the right age to vote do to help bring awareness about overpopulation?
Vote for political parties that have a goal on fixing the issue.