What is a General Pastor
Conveys History of the fulfillment of God's work to the people
How many years are there of Biblical History from Adam?
6000 years
What is a False Pastor?
Conveys mixed teachings to the Congregation so that they do not fully understand God's work (AKA they build a different image of God for people, false Image)
When did Moses write the Bible?
3500 Years before Christ
What is a Pastor of prophecy?
They tell the future events of Gods work using spiritual language (Parables)
How many Books are in the OT and the NT?
OT: 39
NT: 27
What is a Pastor of Promise?
Fulfills the prophecies given by God by showing the actual reatlies of it (The who, what, when, where, why, and how)
What is the flow of God's work in 8 steps?
1. Selection of a Pastor
2. Creation of a Kingdom
3. Covenant with Chosen people
4. Betrayal and destruction of chosen people
5. Selection of New Pastor
6. Judgment and Salvation
7. Creation of a new Kingdom
8. New Covenant
What are the qualifications of Heaven?
Born of God's seed (Jn 3:3-5, 1 Pt 1:23)
Be Harvested (Rev 14:14-16)
Be sealed (Rv 7, Rev 22:3-4)
Belong to the Promised 12 tribes (Rv 7)
Must not add to or subtract from the Revelation (Rv 22:18-19)
Be recorded in the Book of Life (Rv 3:5, Rv 20:12, 15, Rv 21:27)