This is the number of ACT English questions.
What is 75
This is what you should do before answering each of the questions.
What is skim or look at the passage quickly
This is the kind of pencil allowed on the test.
What is a #2 Pencil
This is the short way of writing another word.
What is
This was the name of one of the colleges chosen for the college summary assignment.
What is
answers will vary
This is where you write down the answers to the ACT questions?
What is a bubble sheet
This is what you should do if you do not know the answer to the question.
What is guess and move on.
You can bring in this to the test site to keep track of time.
What is
wear a watch that doesn't make noise?
The writer is an unknown author.
What is
What is
Answers will vary
This is the order given (either 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th) of the English ACT test?
What is 1st
You should do this if you finish the test early.
What is check each answer for errors.
This is what you should do the night before to be ready for the test the next morning.
What is
to get a plenty of sleep for the test
This vocabulary word is a representation of the above image.
What is
This is the acronym to the University of Oklahoma in Norman.
What is
This is the amount of time for the English ACT test.
What is 45 minutes
This is the reason why the school wants you to take the ACT test.
What is the 3 E's at NWC relevant to education = employment, enrollment, and enlistment
What is to get into college, job, or the military
This is the phone policy when taking the ACT test.
What is
It should be turned off and put away
This is the answer to the question below of whether the comma is needed or not.
One only has to pick up a newspaper, or turn on the radio to be informed about the shortage of skilled nurses.
What is
No, the comma is not needed
What is
Oklahoma State University
These are the subjects tested on the ACT test.
What are
English, Math, Reading, and Science
This is what you should do if the 5 minute mark is called.
What is
Start to fill in the rest of the bubble sheet and choose the same letter
This is the privacy and non-disclosure policy during the test, during the break, and after the test.
What is
you cannot talk about the act questions nor answers
This is a yes/true or no/false question to the following statement:
An independent clause cannot stand on its own as a complete sentence
What is
no or false
This is the city location of OSU.
What is
Stillwater, Oklahoma