Which 2 Heroes are involved in this interaction:
"No, you are standing very close to me"
"and I'd like it to remain that way"
Reinhardt and Lifeweaver
In the Mirrorverse, who controls Reinhardt after bringing him back to life?
Ana Amari
How Much Ammunition does Lifeweaver have on his Thorn Volley?
Name all of the heroes with Mythic Skins as of Season 13.
DOUBLE: Name them in Order of release
Genji, Junker Queen, Kiriko, Sigma, Tracer, Ana, Hanzo, Orisa, Moira, Mercy, Ashe, Reaper, Widowmaker
In Season 13, 4 Maps were changed. Which Maps were they?
Havana, Dorado, Numbani, Circuit Royale
Upon combo-ing this Ultimate with Zarya's Graviton Surge, she says the line"your pets are quite handsome". Which Ultimate is it?
Hanzo's Dragonstrike
Which Heroes has Venture interacted with in Lore?
Mauga and Sombra
What are the names of all 3 of Symmetra's Ultimates?
(Two removed and one current)
Teleporter, Shield Generator, & Photon Barrier
Which Overwatch League Skins have the colour scheme of Dark Blue and Green?
Vancouver Titans
What is Sojourn's character TITLE?
What is Sombra's Ult Line in English when she's on the enemy team?
Turning Out The Lights
Which robot heroes are catagorised as "omnics" in lore?
Zenyatta, Ramattra, & Bastion
(Echo & Orisa are simply robots)
How long does it take for Ashe's Dynamite to explode without her shooting it?
DOUBLE: What is the maximum total damage she can inflict with Dynamite?
2 Seconds
DOUBLE: 150 (50 Explosion, 100 burning over 5 seconds)
All Heroes release with 4 rare skins which have a naming theme amongst them. What is Junker Queen's theme?
DOUBLE: Name Junker Queen's 4 rare skins
Radioactive Elements
DOUBLE: Actinium, Plutonium, Radium, Uranium
How much character EXP does the "Time Played" medal reward you?
Which Hero has the equitable voiceline of "Too Early For Flapjacks?"
Wrecking Ball
(Lunar New Year)
What is the maximum amount of Overhealth Sigma can create with one use of Kinetic Grasp?
DOUBLE: With the Max Overhealth, how much health can Sigma have at once?
DOUBLE: 1,025 (350 health, 275 shields, 400 overhealth)
As of Season 13, which 5 Heroes have received no legendary skins in the Battle Passes?
DOUBLE: Which Hero has received the most Legendary skins in the Battle Passes?
Brigitte, Hanzo, Sombra, Venture, Juno
How many heroes CAN have an ability bound to the interact key?
BONUS: Which heroes are they?
DOUBLE: Lifeweaver's Petal Platform Destruction and Illari's Healing Pylon Destruction
Who does Widowmaker accuse of not knowing her dead husband's favourite flower?
DOUBLE: What is Gerard's Favourite Flower
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