Who's Fault Is It?
Damage Per Second
Terms of Endearment
Money Money Money

The enemy Tracer told us to thank this character for the carry after we went into OT

Who is Bastion?


After increasing by 20 this patch, Reinhardt's fire strike does this much damage

What is 120?


Mercy refers to this character as her "knight in flying armor"

Who is Pharah?


Genji got this skin in the battlepass and is the first mythic skin added to Overwatch 2

What is Cyber Demon?


This character values science above all else and enjoys playing with hapless test subjects, unethical experimentation, and terrorism

Who is Moira?


After losing first round, Lúcio told this person to stop pushing in alone, sparking a short altercation in vc that ended after we proceeded to win the next round

Who is Zarya?


Bridgette's Repair Pack has a cooldown of this many seconds

What is 5?


B.O.B. is everyone's favorite omnic butler and surrogate father figure for Ashe, and whose name stands for this

What is Big Omnic Butler? (Big Omnic Bodyguard will be accepted aswell)


Being equivalent to $50, the Cowboy Bebop Collab costs this much in Overwatch currency

What is 5600?


Accidents happen! Sometimes, it happens when this character creates a blast of energy powerful enough to wipe out an entire group of soldiers

Who is Illari?


We won first point, lost second point, so Lúcio blames this person and says gg, then our second dps leaves before we go on to win the game

Who is Junker Queen (me!)


When Symmetra's primary fire does 65 damage per second and scales with each stage, this is the maximum damage per second she can reach

What is 195?


Most Thai people go by a nickname with Lifeweaver being no exception. His nickname is Bua (บัว) which has this meaning

What is Lotus/Water Lily?


Despite being a limited edition cosmetic, this skin was rereleased in 2019 as a preorder bonus on the Switch version of Overwatch

What is Noire Widowmaker?


This character claims to have blurry memories prior to the Omnic Crisis, meaning they likely participated in the war prior to the Awakening

Who is Zenyatta?


This person claimed this other person lacked IQ, most likely due to lack of character cohesion

Who is Mercy and Tracer?


After decreasing by 1m this patch, this is how many meters away an enemy is when they are pulled by a Roadhog hook

What is 3?


This character refers to Roadhog as their 'favorite piggie pal'

Who is Mauga?


This character has the most cosmetics according to Katze's hero gallery at 180

Who is Moira?


This character used to use a rifle that would fire .338 rounds, was accurate up to 2000 meters, and had a bullet speed of 980 meters per second. Talk about overkill!

Who is Ana?


After asking the other to swap, these two spent the rest of the game arguing in match chat

Who is Widow and Hanzo?


Lifeweaver's Thorn Volley has a projectile speed of this many meters per second

What is 80?


Hammond is the name given to the hamster by scientists, Wrecking Ball is the name of his mech and the name he used in the scrapyard, and this is what he was designated at Horizon Lunar Colony

What is Specimen 8?


Released in 2018 to raise money for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, Pink Mercy cost this much U.S. Dollars

What is $15?


This character took part in operations in Singapore and Makati, both resulting in several civilian casualties

Who is Baptiste?