An ability that slows but also does damage.
Cassidy Grenade.
99.99% of everyone's favorite map.
Kings Row.
This character is one of the most hyped up heroes but has rarely any lore.
What rank is the most common rank for Overwatch players?
Gold at 32% of the playerbase.
Known for bursting at a swift rate.
Discord Orb.
The most hated map.
This hero got shot in the eye but lived.
World's most loved hero.
World's highest SR ever achieved.
5000 by 'EVERMORE' on Asia ladder in Season 3.
One of the buggiest abilities since release and still can be occasionally.
RoadHog Hook.
On a continent not a lot of people live on.
Antarctic Peninsula.
This hero blames theirselves for the death of someone.
Tracer blames herself for the death of Mondatta.
Your shield.
Who won the first ever Overwatch League Championship?
London Spitfire.
Broken on release.
Based in New York City.
This hero is manipulated by the group known as Talon into doing their bad deeds.
Sigma is manipulated by Talon to carry out their agendas.
Who was the OWL player who pasted away in 2021 and was named an award after?
Alarm who had an award named after him: The Alarm Rookie Of The Year Award.
If this ability is hit, it can sway fights in your favor 9 times out of 10.
Sleep Dart.
These two heroes have been shipped by the community for a very long time.
Genji and Mercy.
A monk.
Who holds the record for the world's longest Unranked to GM?
Metro: 429 days and 14 hours.