Tell Me Do You Know?
Part 1
Tell Me Do You Know?
Part 2
What and Who

What are the details of Mephibosheth based on 2 Samuel 9?

  • Mephibosheth was the son of Jonathan.

  • He crippled in both feet.

  • Mephibosheth was in Lodebar when David sent for him to be found

  • David gave Mephibosheth all the land that was King Saul’s

  • Ziba (Saul’s servant), his 15 sons and 20 servants tended to Mephibosheth and his son Micha until Mephibosheth died

  • King David showed him kindness by allowing him to eat at his table.


Explain the downfall of King Ahab. (1 Kings 22:29-40)

  • King Ahab was the King of Israel and husband of Jezebel (1 Kings 16:30-31).

  • Known for his wickedness and for leading the people of Israel to Idolatry, worshiped Baal.

  • Tried to disguise himself in battle to not appear to be the king, but was killed by a stray arrow. So he was killed in battle. 


What are the details surrounding the Apostle Paul’s conversion experience? 

What was his reputation before he became an Apostle, and his contribution to the authorship of the New Testament?

  • He had a dramatic conversation experience on the road to Damascus, where he saw a light from heaven while traveling on the road to Demascus and was struck blind. (Acts 9:1-19)

  • Before his conversation, Paul was a Pharisee and persecutor of the church. (Acts 8:1)

  • Fasted for three days, and God showed him that Ananias would come.

  • God sent Ananias to restore Saul’s Sight and baptize him. He then stayed several days with the disciples before he went out preaching Christ in the synagogues, that he is the Son of God.

  • After his conversation, he became a prominent apostle and author of 1/2 of the New Testament.  


What are the circumstances surrounding the birth of the prophet Samuel. (1 Samuel 1)

  • Samuel was born to Hannah, who had been barren for many years, after she prayed to God for a child, he blessed her with Samuel, and she later brought Samuel back to the temple to be raised by Eli after he was weaned.


How many books are in the Old Testament & New Testament?

  • 39 Old Testament and 27 New Testament.


What is the relationship between Moses & Aaron based on (Exodus 4:10-16; 7:1-2; Exodus 17:10)?

  • Moses and Aaron were brothers, Aaron was a levite; was Moses’s mouthpiece when Moses told God about his limitations. Held up Moses’ arms with Hur at battle against Amalek.

Aaron served as Moses’s spokesman before Pharaoh during the Exodus.


What is the significance of the relationship between Elijah & Elisha. (1 Kings 19- 2 Kings 2)

  • Elijah was a Prophet of God who was succeeded by his disciple Elisha.

  • Elisha inherited a double portion of Elijah’s prophetic mantle and performed many miracles after witnessing his transfiguration.


What was the significance of James and John?

  • James and John were 2 of the original 12 disciples who were also brothers.

  • Also known as the “Sons of Thunder” because of their impetuous natures. (Mark 3:17)

  • Part of Jesus’s inner circle of disciples. (Last member of the inner circle was Peter) (Mark 14:33)

  • James was the first Martyr (Acts 12: 1-2) and John was the last disciple to die


What was the names of Elkanah’s two wives?

  • His two wives were Hannah and Peninnah (1 Samuel 1:2)


Name the family tree of King David.

  • Son of Jesse. Grandson of Obed. Great Grandson of Boaz

  • His descendants included King Solomon, Nathan, Absolum, Adonijah 

  • Jesus also was in the descendent tree of King David.

    • Boaz and Ruth are the parents of Obed

    • Obed is the father of Jesse

    • Jesse is the father of David

    • David and the wife of Uriah are the parents of Solomon

    • Solomon is the father of Rehoboam 


What are the circumstances surrounding the death of John the Baptist. (Matthew 14:1-12; Mark 6:14-29)

  • John the Baptist condemned Herrod’s marriage as illegal to Herodias, who was his brother Phillip’s wife and was imprisoned for it

  • At Herod’s birthday party Salome (his stepdaughter) danced for him and he was so please that he offered her whatever she asked for up to half of his kingdom

  • Prompted by her mother, Salome asked for the head of John the Baptist on a platter

  • Herod order her wish to be carried out

  • John the Baptist was beheaded by King Herod. 


What is the significance of Deborah?

  • Deborah was a Prophetess and Judge in Israel who led the Israelites to victory against the Canaanites. (Judges 4:4 - whole chapter)


List the original 12 disciples. (Matthew 10:2-4)

1. Simon Peter

2. Andrew, 

3. James, 

4. John, 

5. Philip, 

6. Bartholomew, 

7. Matthew,        

8. Thomas, 

9. James son of Alphaeus, 

10. Simon the Canaanite,
11. Lebbaeus (Thaddaeus), 

12. Judas Iscariot. 


What are the details surrounding Ichabod’s birth and his name (1 Samuel 4:19-22).

  • Ichabod was born to Phinehas’s wife after the Ark of the Covenant was captured by the Philistines.

  • Hophni, Phinehas and Eli died the same day

  • His name means, “the Glory had departed” because his mom felt that the glory of God had departed. 

  • Ichabod’s mom died that day too


What are the events of Acts 2 specifically, how many people were in the upper room, what town they were in, and who preached the first gospel message on the Day of Pentecost?

  • 120 Galileans were in the upper room in Jerusalem (Acts 1:15).

  • Peter preached his first sermon on the day of Pentecost in AD 33 and about 3,000 people were saved and baptized (Acts 2:).

  • On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was poured out on the disciples, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues.


What are the names of Nehemiah’s antagonists? (Nehemiah 6)

Nehemiah’s antagonists were Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem.


What are the three disciples who were present with Jesus during his transfiguration and the details regarding Jesus’ transfiguration?

  • Those disciples were Peter, James, and John.

  • Jesus was suspended between the law and prophecy, Elijah represented prophecy and Moses represented the Law, and Jesus was the fulfillment of both

  • Therefore, no need to build an altar for all three

  • Matthew 17:1-13, Mark 9:2-13, Luke 9:28-36


What is the history of Israel including the reign of notable kings?

  • The history of Israel includes the period of the Judges, the Monarchy (including the regions of notable kings such as Saul, David, and Solomon), and the Babylonian exile.

  • Saul: 1st King of Israel (1 Samuel 9:15-19)

  • David: 2nd King (1 Samuel 16:12-13)

  • Solomon: 3rd King (1 Kings 1:39


Who are the two sons of the high priest, Eli?

  • His two sons were Hophni and Phinehas. (1 Samuel 2:12-17; 1 Samuel 4:4)

  • Sons were corrupt priests and did not know the Lord, they would take the good meat offered to the priest for themselves even before it was cooked which was against the order God instructed


What is the formula for salvation?

  • The formula for salvation is Repentance, Water Baptism in the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins, and the receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38).


What was Ezra & Nehemiah were responsible for rebuilding?

  • Nehemiah was responsible for rebuilding the Wall of Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 6:15-16)

  • Led the orchestration of the rebuilding of the wall and the defense of the people against their opposers

  • Ezra rebuilt the community of Jerusalem by teaching the Torah (Ezra 7:10) Ezra brought the law back to the people (Ezra 9 & 10) 

  • He was grieved by the intermarriages of the Jews with the surrounding non-Jewish nations and called for these unions to be abolished.  It took time to put each family away with provisions, but she saw the matter through to the end. 


Who are the audiences/recipients of Luke/Acts?

  • The books of Luke and Acts were written to the gentiles

  • Addressee for Acts: Theophilus (Acts 1:1)


What are the details of Joshua, and the battle of Jericho based on Joshua 6:1-27; Hebrews 11:30?

  • Joshua was the leader of the Israelites after the death of Moses, and he led them in the conquest of Cannan.

  • The battle of Jericho was the first battle in this conquest, and it was won by the Israelites through divine intervention.

  • Marched around 1 time a day for six days with no noise, on the 7th day they marched around 7 times, on the seventh time they blew the horns and made noise, and the walls fell down. 

  • Story of Rahab hiding the spies is in Joshua 2


What is Queen Esther’s Jewish name (Esther 2:7) and the name of her notable and close relative?

  • Queen Esther’s Jewish name was Hadassah, and her notable and close relative was Mordecai. She was his cousin. 


What are the 12 Tribes of Israel?

Asher, Benjamin, Dan, Gad, Issachar, Joseph, Judah, Levi, Nephtali, Rueben, Simeon, and Zebulun.

Take out Joseph and Levi and include Ephriam and Manasseh